Ex is Trying to Make You Notice Them on Social Media: Signs, Psychology, and What to Do

Ex is Trying to Make You Notice Them on Social Media

In the age of social media, relationships and breakups are not as simple as they used to be. Even after the relationship ends, your ex might continue to linger in your virtual space, using subtle (or not so subtle) cues to grab your attention. Social media platforms provide fertile ground for these kinds of actions, where it’s easy to share updates, post pictures, and even like or comment on your posts, all without having to communicate directly. It’s a modern way for your ex to make you notice them, and the methods they use can range from subtle to glaringly obvious. If you’re noticing certain behaviors online and suspect your ex is trying to get your attention, you’re not alone. Here’s how to identify those signs, understand why they might be doing it, and figure out how to deal with it.

Signs Your Ex is Trying to Get Your Attention on Social Media

  1. Frequent Posting
    If your ex suddenly becomes very active on social media, posting more frequently than usual, it could be a sign that they’re trying to grab your attention. This is especially true if the content of their posts seems carefully curated to show off certain aspects of their life, such as success, happiness, or new relationships. Posting happy pictures, gym selfies, or photos of outings with friends could be a way of saying, “Look at how great my life is without you.”
  2. Indirect Messages
    Another way your ex might try to get your attention is by posting vague or indirect messages. These could be status updates or quotes that seem to be about love, heartbreak, or personal growth. If these posts seem to reflect your past relationship or breakup, there’s a good chance they’re aimed at you.
  3. Liking or Commenting on Your Posts
    If your ex is still engaging with your posts by liking or commenting, even though they haven’t reached out directly, they may be trying to keep themselves on your radar. This small gesture can be their way of reminding you that they’re still around, without having to engage in a direct conversation.
  4. Mutual Friends and Tags
    If your ex is posting photos or updates that involve your mutual friends, tagging people you both know, or appearing in social situations where your mutual circles overlap, it could be a subtle strategy to stay present in your life. They might know that these posts will inevitably show up on your feed.
  5. Changing Profile Pictures or Posting “Throwbacks”
    Changing a profile picture to something flattering or posting a nostalgic throwback photo from your time together can be another tactic your ex might use to make you notice them. These posts are often designed to evoke an emotional response, reminding you of better times or drawing your attention back to them.
  6. Using Stories for Subtle Updates
    Social media stories, like those on Instagram and Facebook, allow for temporary posts that can be perfect for your ex to share something they know you’ll see but without making it a permanent fixture on their profile. Whether it’s a picture of them out with friends or something more emotional, stories provide a fleeting way to communicate without directly engaging.

Why is Your Ex Doing This?

So, why is your ex doing this? Why go through the trouble of crafting social media posts that might grab your attention instead of reaching out directly? Here are a few potential reasons:

  1. Seeking Validation
    Breakups can often lead to a blow to one’s self-esteem. Your ex might be seeking validation through their online presence, trying to show you (and themselves) that they’re doing just fine, or even thriving, after the breakup. Getting likes, comments, or attention from you and others can serve as a form of emotional reassurance.
  2. They Miss You
    Despite the breakup, your ex might still have lingering feelings for you. Posting on social media might be their way of reaching out indirectly, hoping to rekindle communication or evoke feelings of nostalgia in you. They may not be ready for a direct conversation but still want you to notice them and maybe even miss them back.
  3. To Make You Jealous
    Sometimes, an ex might post content to trigger jealousy. This could involve posting pictures with attractive people, showing off new relationships, or highlighting the fun and exciting things they’re doing. The intention here is to evoke a reaction from you, whether it’s envy, curiosity, or regret.
  4. Revenge or “One-Upping”
    If the breakup was messy, your ex might be using social media as a tool for revenge or to prove that they’ve moved on to a better life. By showcasing their success, happiness, or new romantic interests, they might be trying to make you feel regretful about losing them.
  5. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
    Your ex could be suffering from FOMO, the fear of missing out. Even though the relationship is over, they may not want to fully let go of what you had. By posting things that they know will catch your attention, they might be trying to keep you tethered emotionally or mentally, preventing a clean break.

Real-Life Examples of Exes Grabbing Attention on Social Media

Example 1: The Gym Selfie Series

Sarah’s ex, Jake, rarely posted on social media during their relationship. After they broke up, however, Jake started posting daily gym selfies, showcasing his new “fitness journey.” The pictures were polished, the captions often about self-improvement and moving on. Sarah wasn’t fooled; she knew Jake was trying to show her what she was missing out on. It’s likely that Jake was seeking validation and wanted Sarah to see that he was “bettering” himself post-breakup.

Example 2: The New Relationship Flaunt

After their breakup, Tom noticed that his ex, Rachel, suddenly started posting a lot of photos with a new guy. They had broken up only a few weeks prior, and now Rachel was posting romantic photos, tagging her new beau, and writing captions about being “happier than ever.” Tom knew this was meant to make him jealous. Rachel was likely trying to make a point about how fast she’d moved on, but it only left Tom feeling more hurt.

Example 3: The Nostalgic Throwback

Jessica’s ex, Mark, posted an old picture of the two of them from a vacation they had taken together years ago. The caption was a simple, “Good times.” Even though they hadn’t spoken in months, Jessica couldn’t help but feel confused. Was this his way of reaching out? Did he miss her? Mark’s post was clearly designed to evoke some kind of response from her, whether emotional or nostalgic.

How to Handle It: What You Should Do

  1. Don’t React Immediately
    It’s tempting to react when you see posts that seem designed to get under your skin. But before you like, comment, or message them, take a step back. Ask yourself if responding will actually benefit you, or if it will just give your ex the attention they’re seeking.
  2. Consider Muting or Unfollowing
    If your ex’s social media presence is bothering you or making it difficult to move on, consider muting or unfollowing them. Most platforms allow you to temporarily mute someone’s posts without fully unfriending or blocking them. This way, you can take a break from seeing their updates without escalating things further.
  3. Focus on Yourself
    Instead of getting caught up in your ex’s online antics, focus on your own growth and well-being. Spend time doing things you love, nurture your friendships, and invest in activities that make you happy. Social media can be a great tool for self-expression, so use it in a way that benefits you, not as a way to compete or respond to your ex.
  4. Communicate If Necessary
    In some cases, it might be worth having an honest conversation with your ex. If their social media behavior is particularly intrusive or emotionally distressing, you can kindly ask them to stop engaging in ways that affect you. Communication can sometimes clear the air, making it easier for both of you to move on.

Conclusion: Moving Forward

Breakups are never easy, and social media can often complicate things further. If your ex is trying to make you notice them online, recognize the signs and understand the psychology behind their behavior. Whether they’re seeking validation, trying to make you jealous, or simply missing you, it’s important to focus on what’s best for your emotional well-being. Resist the urge to engage, and if necessary, create boundaries that allow you to move on healthily.

Ultimately, the best response to an ex’s online antics is one that prioritizes your peace of mind and emotional growth. Remember, social media is just a snapshot of someone’s life—it’s not always an accurate reflection of reality.


  1. This article really resonated with me because it’s exactly what happened after my last relationship ended. Recognizing the signs helped me keep my distance and focus more on myself instead of getting sucked into the drama.

  2. I find it amusing how social media has turned breakups into these elaborate, passive-aggressive games. I mean, why not just have a conversation like an adult instead of playing these mind games online? This article is spot on though—people love to ‘flex’ their post-breakup glow-up.

  3. Interesting analysis here! The idea that people use social media as both a validation tool and as a way to provoke jealousy shows how much our emotional landscapes have been intertwined with digital platforms. Fascinating stuff.

  4. *Sigh* This is why I stay off social media entirely. People are so invested in creating this curated version of themselves for others to consume—it’s exhausting and superficial. Just focus on real life!

  5. So basically what you’re saying is: if my ex starts posting about ‘personal growth’ right after our breakup, they’re probably trying to make me jealous? What next? A TED Talk titled ‘How I Became Awesome After You Dumped Me’?

  6. Why should we assume every post or comment from an ex is some grand strategy for attention? Sometimes people are just living their lives and posting what they want without any ulterior motive.

  7. ‘The Gym Selfie Series’? Oh come on, please! If you need that kind of validation from your ex, you clearly haven’t moved on at all. Social media has devolved human interaction into these petty displays of insecurity.

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