Dreaming of Someone You Like

Dreaming of Someone You Like

Dreaming about someone that you like might seem exciting but confusing. Does it mean that you have a connection with this person or are you just dreaming about them because they are constantly on your mind?

Dreaming is part of how your mind works and is part of your imagination. Your mind allows you to be creative when you’re sleeping where you aren’t as creative when you’re awake. As you dream you can look at your world differently.

The dreams help you to get past your subconscious mind and face the things that cause you to be fearful and worried. Some people feel that their dreams help them to solve problems and to be more successful.

Dreaming Constantly

If you have found that you dream constantly of someone that you like, then you might wonder what this means. The thing is that this can just be a fascination that you have for that person. Since you are always thinking about that person when you go to sleep you might dream of them.

You might have a crush on someone that you see at school or at work and each time you see them and look at them, these thoughts are stored as memories and then when you sleep, they come back up.

As you dream you are fulfilling the desires that you have with this person that you like. If you want to really figure out what might happen between the two of you, go to them and let them know that you’re always dreaming of them and see how they react.

Love is Intoxicating

Love is a strong emotion, and it can fill your heart with thoughts of the person that you are always thinking of. Nothing is better than finding love. When you dream about a person that you love it means that you might really love them.

Of course, there is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. Dreaming of someone constantly might mean that you aren’t giving you and the other person the space that they need, and you are being obsessive with that person.

It can be exciting to dream of someone that you love but if you are being overly possessive or obsessive towards that person then you need to get past this and stop doing that. Your relationship will never be successful if you are being that person.

Make sure that the feelings that you have are of love and not obsession and that you aren’t trying to push that person into loving you. Let your dreams come into reality by giving them space that they might need.

Dreaming After a Breakup

Sometimes after you go through a breakup or a divorce or you lose touch with someone that you loved, you might dream about them. You might think that you no longer have feelings for them, but these are feelings that come out of your subconscious mind. These feelings are probably still there and that is why they come up when you’re sleeping because you’ve suppressed them. The dream can show that you aren’t over them yet and you still have some feelings for them.

Sometimes when a person has a lot of abuse or trauma in their relationship they will dream of that person. The mind still makes them feel that they like the person, but this was the past and you need to express your feelings and move on. The feelings that come can just be part of your imagination.

Dreaming about someone that you like means that you want to be around that person, but it doesn’t necessarily mean love. It can be an attraction, obsession, infatuation or even just a hope that you will get to spend time with that person.

Dreams help us to know what we are feeling inside of ourself that we don’t always express outwardly. Even though your dreams can become a reality, don’t hold on to the idea that your dreams have any other kind of hidden meaning.


  1. Oh please, dreaming about someone you like is just your brain messing with you. It doesn’t mean you’re destined to be together. If anything, it’s just highlighting how obsessed you are with that person. Get a grip!

  2. Interesting take, but let’s not overlook the scientific aspect of dreaming. Psychological studies show that dreams are more about memory consolidation than some mystic connection to another person. Let’s stick to facts.

  3. I’m somewhat skeptical. While dreams can reflect our subconscious minds, interpreting them as signs of love or obsession without substantial evidence verges on pseudoscience. Let’s be cautious.

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