Make Her Want You Bad!

Make Her Want You Bad

There are ways that you can make a woman want you and you can seduce her more than just asking her to have a midnight romp. Dating culture has made it easy to seduce women and this is because the standards of society have gotten so low that people often just want to hookup. This makes it easy to seduce almost anyone if you put in even a little bit of an effort.

Some advice on the internet about seducing women aren’t right and include things like:

  • Manipulation.
  • Ignoring consent.
  • Being dishonest.
  • Having no respect or kindness.
  • Treating people like they are objects.
  • Finding a way to have more sexual partners.
  • Treating all women the same.

Having mutual respect for someone and not tricking them into wanting you is the way that you can actually value a woman and have someone that is going to respect you and care about what you want.

Making Her Want You in a Healthy Way

Most people think that making someone want you means that you seduce them to hook up with you. It is a predictable thing and sometimes you have to stop listening to what society says and learn to do things the right way.

Here are some ways to healthily seduce a woman!

  • Take Things Slow

If you want to seduce someone then you need to learn to take things slow. Don’t try to seduce her with sex. If you are attracted to her, she will know it, or you wouldn’t be talking to her. Put aside the ideas of what you want and stop assuming that she is just wanting sex.

Take time to get to know her and to figure out what she wants. Learn who she is and slow down. Instead of making everything about sex, you need to listen to what she has to say, ask her about her day, get to know what her dreams and goals are and don’t rush her. Appreciate who she is and what she’s all about.

  • Be a Good Listener

Instead of just always talking about what you want, learn to listen to her. Listen to her favorite things and really hear her words. If she mentions her favorite holiday, find out why she likes it. Give her a gift on that holiday to show you remember.

Remind her of why she is important to you instead of always trying to cross her boundaries. Listening is a big thing in seduction and if you can really listen to your partner then you will have more love in and out of the bedroom.

  • Know Consent

Don’t get the idea in your head that you don’t have to have her consent to get what you want. You should always wait for a woman to tell you yes and you should never even try to hook up with her unless she is completely about it.

Even if you are drinking or doing drugs, or if she is, she should give you full consent before you ever make a move on her. Consent is sexy and you should find out what she wants and what she wants to do. Don’t tie her up without her saying she wants to do that. You shouldn’t always have to constantly ask for permission but notice her actions and see where she is before you make a move.

It is important to look for signs but also to talk about safe sex with her. Never just assume she wants to even have sex but if you want to have it with her, talk to her first.

  • Laugh

Laughing together is one way to seduce someone. People are attractive when they are laughing and if she sees you having fun and being funny, she will be more seduced by you. Show her that you like to have fun and make her feel comfortable being around you.

  • Notice the Small Steps

Take small steps and see where this gets you. Stroke her back or move her hair. Sometimes people skip these steps and try to go right into bed. Try kissing her and see if she is receptive to you.

Instead of just grabbing or groping her, hold her softly and do sexy things before you ever get to the sex part.

  • Make the Scene Romantic

Play some soft music and make the setting romantic. Set a mood that you both can enjoy and don’t expect that you’re going to get some just because she is with you. Don’t pressure her or expect things but make things pleasurable. If she’s had a hard day, she might not be ready to have sex and might just want some time to chill.

Always respect her boundaries and make sure that she returns your interest. You can make the scene intimate even if she doesn’t end up sleeping with you and this can build trust.

  • Take Care of Yourself

Keep yourself clean and have personal hygiene. Notice your own smell and make sure you don’t have on too much cologne and that you’re clean. Don’t forget to groom and shower before you go out with her.

Even if you’re just dating casually, be your best and look your best at all times. Making an effort on how you look is one way that you can seduce someone to notice you.

  • Be Consistent

You need to be consistent and learn to communicate if you want to build any relationship. Consider physical intimacy and establish a relationship before you ever develop a sexual relationship.

Being consistent matters even in intimate moments. Don’t stop making an effort after you’ve had sex with her because seduction should never stop when the relationship is growing.

  • Learn Something

Even if you think that you know everything about everything including sex, let her teach you about her fantasies and desires. Be open to treating her as a person and an individual and seeing what she prefers in and out of the bedroom.

  • Compliment Her

Compliment her and tell her nice things. If you want to seduce her, learn to compliment her, and tell her that you care about her and admire her. Smile at her and let her laugh and know that you care. You don’t always have to compliment her looks either but just compliment her as a person.

  • Make Her Friends Like You

You should always try to get to know her friends if you want to get to know her more. Show her consideration for her friends and don’t manipulate her or them or they will see right through you. Show them that you treat her right and that you are kind and caring.

Good friends of hers will tell her what they think about you and if you’re being rude or overly sexual, they will encourage her to dump you. If they like you, they will encourage her to go for it.

  • Make Eye Contact

Eye contact is one way that you can show someone you’re interested in them. Gaze deeply into her eyes and hold eye contact to show you’re being attentive. Don’t stare for too long or this can be creepy but let it be natural.

Put your phone down and know that she is there. Be present in the moment and don’t get distracted when you’re talking to her.

  • Don’t Go Overboard

Don’t go overboard with what you’re trying to do. You don’t have to compliment her every second or give her outrageous gifts. Learn to just be simple. Don’t rush her to bed or she will feel that you aren’t trustworthy. If she feels that you are going overboard, she will not be receptive to you.

Don’t do things that are just to impress her but be yourself and have fun.

  • Seducing Her

People might think that they are great at seducing all of the women because they are able to hook up with a lot of girls. They might even be able to seduce people that are out of their league, but this is a big turnoff for many women.

These are people that can’t create real intimacy and they will just want sex and it will show. You need to have respect for women that you want to date or seduce. You might not get as many hookups as other men do but that isn’t a big deal. Learn to make connections that are important and special and find someone that you can genuinely enjoy spending time with.

Someone will know if you’re attracted to them but if they find you over the top then they will think you’re immature and they will not be attracted to these toxic behaviors.

Final Thoughts

Having real seduction is showing someone who you are and what you want in a respectful and awesome way. If you understand women, you will see that as you take your time and slow down, you get to know them for who they are and what they want, and you make a connection then they will see this and respect you as well.

Women have strong feelings and so it could take time to really seduce someone that you like. You can create an intimacy that is beyond sex, and you will see that you can date someone that is special in your life.

You won’t be able to make a connection if you rush things and if you just try to get her into bed. Don’t make bed your destination but enjoy the journey of getting to know new people and letting them get to know you along the way.


  1. Finally, an article offering some sanity in the chaotic world of modern dating. It’s quite refreshing to see a focus on mutual respect and genuine connection rather than deceptive tactics and manipulation. This is definitely a step in the right direction.

  2. I’m appalled by the premise that dating culture has devolved to such lows. The necessity of an article to remind people of basic human decency and respect is disheartening. Perhaps we have more significant societal issues to address than ‘seducing’ anyone.

  3. Ah yes, because nothing says ‘romantic’ quite like a checklist for ‘healthy seduction.’ Next time, maybe throw in some algebraic equations for ‘optimal eye contact duration’—just to keep things spicy. Who knew dating could be so… formulaic?

  4. Ah, the age-old art of seduction reduced to a step-by-step guide. What’s next, a detailed manual on how to breathe? ‘Make her friends like you’—because nothing says genuine attraction like orchestrating a PR campaign!

  5. What a tedious diatribe! The oversimplification here is laughable. As if seduction can be reduced to a series of rudimentary steps and checklists. Human relationships are far more nuanced than this reductionist approach suggests. This article underestimates the complexity of human emotions and chemistry.

  6. This article brings some much-needed sanity to the conversation around dating and seduction. In a world increasingly obsessed with instant gratification, emphasizing respect, consent, and genuine connection is a breath of fresh air. Kudos to the author for advocating for healthier interactions!

  7. Isn’t it ironic how an article about healthy seduction has to start with a list of ‘don’ts’ that should be glaringly obvious to any rational human being? It’s as if the mere act of treating women as people is groundbreaking news.

  8. The article presents a blend of common sense and decency. It’s rather informative, but I do wonder if these principles are intuitive enough that they should not need to be reiterated in contemporary discourse.

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