Protecting Yourself as an Empath

Protecting Yourself as an Empath

Empaths are very emotional people. This is because they pick up the emotions of others around them or even the energies in a room. This can cause them to have unhealthy feelings and thoughts and make them exhausted and stressed. Empaths with low energy have got to learn how to protect themselves.

If you are feeling stressed or anxious and you have symptoms of picking up negative energy, then you need to find a technique that works for you to release these emotions. These are situations where you might feel sick, upset, or in some kind of mental or physical distress.

Techniques to Protect Yourself

Here are some ways that you can protect yourself as an empath!

  • Are These My Emotions?

The best way to start is to find out if you have the emotions or are picking them up from someone else. You absorb the energy of others like a sponge, and this can cause you to have a quick change of mood or even make you feel physically sick.

If you notice that you go by someone or enter a room and you have these feelings out of nowhere, these emotions are not yours, but they are energies you’re picking up. Notice the emotional or physical pain you are picking up and protect yourself by not picking up these energies.

  • Mantra’s and Breathing

When you feel negativity coming into your mind or body, take a minute to relax and focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths and then let them out slowly. Breathing will help you eliminate any negativity that has entered your body. Holding your breath for a count of five can help you let go of the negative energy that is stuck inside you.

Breathe deeply and say a mantra that says, “Take this energy and return it to the sender,” three times. The way you speak with power can make the feelings leave your body. Your breathing will take the negative energy and send it back to the one who sent it to you.

Focus on the toxic energy and repeat the mantra until you no longer feel negativity but calm and healthy. This is a way to get rid of unhealthy energy. Imagine that these feelings are leaving you as you think about living a healthier life.

  • Stay Away or Move

If you feel that you have picked up negative energy, you must either move or stay away from that place. Seeing someone come in that causes you to feel negative is a sign that you need to move forward and not be around that person anymore. But, if you are just out in a public place or you are at work, move and find a different seat or leave if you need to. You can even switch tables at a restaurant or move movie seats if you feel negative.

Allow yourself to care about yourself and practice self-care. Overwhelmed empaths need to ensure they take much-needed breaks and quiet times.

  • Avoid Physical Contact

You can transfer energy to someone by hugging or touching them. If you feel that someone is negative, limit the physical contact you have with them. If someone is stressed and you hug them, you are likely to pick up their negativity. You can stop this by sending them loving thoughts from where you are and avoiding physical contact.

  • Take a Shower or Bath

When you feel negative, you can detox these negative feelings by taking a bath or a shower. Add some Epsom salt to your water, which can calm you because of the magnesium in the salt. You can even add some essential oils to liven up your good senses and purify your mind and body.

  • Setting Boundaries

Everyone should have boundaries, and if you’re an empath, then you really need these boundaries. Saying “no” to someone isn’t a question but a complete sentence, and you have to be able to use this word with some people. You should never do things that leave you feeling used or taken advantage of.

If you don’t want to go out with someone, tell them you don’t want to. If someone is yelling at you, walk away until they are calm. Communicate in a way that people know that you are protecting yourself. Be firm.

  • Have Alone Time

Take some alone time to recharge your mind, body, and soul. You can do this whenever you need it. Go into your room, shut the door, and center yourself. Don’t turn on any music, noise, or lights; just sit and relax until you feel better.

  • Go Into Nature

Earthing is a way to center and ground yourself, which is important for empaths. Earthing is when you go to nature, go barefoot, or go out and touch the garden or the grass. You can do whatever makes you feel good such as sitting by a tree or holding and smelling a flower. Do this to feel better and to feel strong.

  • Put the Electronics Down

Everyone needs to have a break from technology here and there. Going online can trigger negative emotions, and sometimes, you need to take an electronic break. You can do this when you are feeling overwhelmed, and it’s up to you how long you decide to be offline. Find something to do that you can enjoy while you are building up a stronger well-being.


  1. This is a beautifully written piece that sheds light on the various struggles empaths face and offers practical solutions. It’s comforting to know that there are ways to protect oneself from negative energies.

  2. While the advice given is well-meaning, it seems overly simplistic to think that deep breathing or moving away from someone can solve all the issues an empath might face. There needs to be a more comprehensive approach.

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