Knowing Your Soulmate or Knowing to Move On

The Art of Moving On

When we’re searching for love, we can often lose sight of our other goals and accomplishments along the way. We want so much to be in the right romantic partnership that we miss other major milestones that define our lives. We all want to love and be loved, and to find the person we were meant to spend the rest of our lives with.

The idea of a soulmate has trickled down in different cultures around the world. Stories tell us that we are missing part of ourselves that can only be matched by our soulmate. Some of us search for years without finding a connection like this, and it might seem as though you’ll never find the person who completes you.

Rather than look for a person to complete you, look around at the life lessons you are learning. Every day we are confronted with situations that test us and try us. We get into relationships that feel right but end; we accept the love we think we deserve, which isn’t always the love we really do deserve.

No person or relationship is going to be perfect, but there are moments in every person’s life where we know that the relationship that we are in isn’t the right one. When you realize this, it’s important to find a way to move on so that you can be open to the right person when they do appear in your life. Every relationship, whether good or bad, right or wrong, helps us on our journey through life.

Sometimes our soulmates aren’t in our lives for very long; they are just here to teach us a needed lesson. The beauty of a soulmate is that you are connected on a soul level, which means you have found each other before and you will continue to find one another throughout your lives.

If you think that you have met your soulmate or aren’t sure if someone in your life could be your soulmate, consider getting a love psychic reading to dive deeper into your connection with this person. You could learn about how you were connected to them in a past life, and what your current connection to them could mean for resolving past life relationships.

You can always check in with your gut feelings as well- if this person feels like your soulmate, they probably are. If you have questions or feel like there are red flags in this relationship, then they probably aren’t your soulmate.

If you know you haven’t met your soulmate yet, don’t hold yourself back. Choose your relationships intentionally and learn to move on when they no longer serve you or your goals.


  1. I find it interesting that the concept of ‘soulmates’ is so perpetuated in various cultures. It indeed raises intriguing questions about human connection and the metaphysical aspects of relationships.

    • Absolutely, Dragonfly! It’s fascinating how this concept persists across different societies. Perhaps there’s more to it than meets the eye?

  2. The concept of learning life lessons through relationships is well-articulated in this piece. While the idea of a soulmate might be romanticized, the practical advice on evaluating relationships and understanding their impact on our journey is pragmatic and useful.

  3. The article does a good job of juxtaposing romantic aspirations with personal development. It’s crucial to stay mindful of our own life goals while navigating relationships. The notion of soulmates and their role in our lives is thought-provoking, albeit somewhat metaphysical.

  4. What a beautifully written piece! It’s refreshing to see an article that emphasizes personal growth and learning from our relationships, rather than just the pursuit of an idealized romantic partner.

  5. I appreciate the perspective that no relationship is perfect, and recognizing when a relationship isn’t serving us is crucial. The mention of soulmates and past life connections is fascinating, though it might not resonate with everyone. Nonetheless, the emphasis on continuous personal growth and reflection is commendable.

  6. This article reeks of naive idealism. There’s no such thing as a ‘soulmate,’ just people who are either compatible or not. It’s absurd to think that one person out there will complete you.

  7. Ah, yes, because clearly the best way to navigate complex human relationships is to consult a psychic. What’s next, tarot cards for career advice?

  8. The article provides valuable insights into the balance between seeking love and pursuing personal goals. It’s important to remember that each relationship, whether successful or not, contributes to our overall growth and understanding of ourselves. The notion of a soulmate being a recurring presence in multiple lives adds an intriguing spiritual dimension.

  9. This article beautifully encapsulates the nuanced approach we should take towards relationships and personal growth. It echoes a profound truth that while the pursuit of love is important, it should not eclipse our individual journeys and accomplishments. The idea that each relationship, regardless of its outcome, contributes to our life’s lessons is both comforting and empowering. I especially appreciate the notion of moving on from relationships that no longer serve us, as it’s crucial for personal development and finding true contentment.

  10. This article offers a nuanced view of love and personal growth. The discussion around accepting the love we think we deserve is particularly poignant. Additionally, the idea of moving on from unfulfilling relationships to stay open for the right person is sound advice, though the soulmate concept might be open to personal interpretation.

  11. The advice to get a love psychic reading is frankly preposterous. Are we really suggesting that someone needs to consult a psychic to understand their relationships better? Let’s stick to rationality here.

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