When You Have the Idea of Getting Back with An Ex

The Dos and Don’ts of Getting Back Together With An Ex

We’ve all thought about it- an ex has popped back up in our lives, and it might seem like the easiest thing in the world would be to reconnect with them. After all, you know them; you know their habits and their quirks, the things that make them tick. You’ve already gotten through the first stages of dating with this person, after all.

But getting back together with an ex can be a mistake, too. While time apart could have healed the wounds of your relationship, you likely broke up for a reason. When you’re tired of being single, lonely, and time has erased some of the difficulties of your relationship, you might have a hard time coming up with reasons not to get back together with your ex.

Before jumping back into a relationship with your ex, here are a few things to consider:

  • How the relationship ended. If the relationship ended mutually because the two of you saw your futures going differently, than there is hope in getting back together. If you’ve both changed, see a future together, and still have feelings for each other, then getting back together might be a good idea.

However, most relationships don’t end on such good terms. Someone likely cheated, acted badly, or otherwise broke the love and trust that existed in that relationship. How and why the two of you broke up is incredibly important to consider if you are thinking about getting back together.

  • Think about why you want to get back together. Did they leave you high and dry when they broke up with you? Are they the one that got away? Are you lonely? All of these can be reasons why you feel like getting back together with an ex may seem like a good idea. You should be sure that you are getting back together with an ex because you still have feelings for them, not because you are just looking for any sort of relationship.
  • What’s your ex’s relationship status? Are they single and ready to mingle, or are they in a committed relationship? The last thing you want to be doing is reaching out to an ex who is in a committed partnership with someone else. Be prepared for them to be in relationship that you might not like hearing about.
  • Work towards closure. Oftentimes the reason why we want to get back together with an ex is because we didn’t receive closure on that relationship the first time around. Starting up a romance again is just another way to watch it crash and burn if the two of you aren’t meant to be together. Examine your motivations for wanting to get back together with them and do what you can to obtain closure from that relationship.
  • Let the past stay behind you. If you do decide to get back together with your ex, let your past attempts at a relationship stay in the past. Don’t rehash old arguments or bring up things that went wrong before; this is a sure-fire way to sabotage your current relationship attempts. Rather, let this new relationship be a clean slate for the both of you.

Getting back together with an ex isn’t for everyone, but it can work out for some people. Think about the above questions before you dive back in, and make sure that you are ready to be in a new relationship with an old flame. Some love should stay in the past.

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  1. It’s interesting to see the importance placed on the ex’s current relationship status. It highlights the need for respect and awareness, which is often overlooked.

  2. I see a lot of theoreticals here but not much practical advice. The article should include steps and methods to obtain closure and genuinely evaluate one’s feelings. It’s easy to tell people to think; it’s harder to guide them on how to do it effectively.

  3. The article raises some valid points about considering the reasons for the breakup and whether both parties have genuinely changed. It’s important to approach the issue with a balanced perspective.

    • I agree. Self-reflection is key in these situations. A breakup often happens for a reason, and revisiting those reasons can provide clarity.

    • Absolutely. The idea of obtaining closure before attempting to reconnect is also very pertinent. It avoids a lot of potential heartache.

  4. Ah yes, because nothing screams ‘good idea’ like rekindling a relationship that already failed once. Let’s just ignore history and keep making the same mistakes—what could possibly go wrong? Thanks for the laugh.

  5. Seeing the article’s emphasis on self-awareness and evaluating personal growth since the breakup is essential. It ensures any decision made is well-informed and mature.

  6. The suggestion to be sure of one’s motivations before rekindling an old romance is very insightful. Loneliness shouldn’t be the primary driver for such decisions.

  7. The content here is mostly common sense masquerading as advice. Anyone with a modicum of self-awareness would already know to think about why a relationship ended and whether the ex is single before attempting reconciliation.

  8. This article oversimplifies an incredibly complex emotional topic. It’s not as black and white as ‘evaluate closure’ or ‘let the past stay behind you.’ Sometimes, love is more nuanced than that. Real relationships defy these cookie-cutter guidelines.

  9. The advice on letting past relationship issues stay in the past is crucial. Bringing old arguments into a new relationship dynamic is a recipe for disaster.

  10. What a refreshing read! It’s so important to be cautious about rekindling old flames. People change, and often not for the better. This advice serves as a crucial reminder to prioritize our emotional well-being.

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