Ladies, we spend a lot of time getting ready for dates. In fact, we spend a lot of time getting ready for any social event, whether or not we think we might meet an eligible partner there. We like to be prepared, and we might experience stress or anxiety if we find ourselves in a situation with a potential romantic partner without the preparation that we think we need.
Women notice when we’ve gained a bit of weight, when we haven’t shaved, when we haven’t worn our sexiest pair of lingerie, or when we feel less than confident in our appearance. However, there is so much that guys don’t notice about our flaws or perceived imperfections, especially when we’re having sex with them.
Here are five things guys never notice during sex:
- Minor imperfections: Guys tend to look at the big picture (they get to have sex!) rather than the small details. They’re more focused on the fact that you’re engaged with them physically, and likely are not focused on the zit that popped out on your forehead this morning, or your cellulite, or the wrinkles around your eyes. Your imperfections are distant to the reality of you being interested in him.
2. Noises and visuals: girls, never be afraid to let it all go. Your ‘o’ face isn’t embarrassing, as a matter of fact, it’s sexy! The noises and faces you make during sex are an indication of you having a good time and most guys won’t even notice if you look or sound weird, because they’re learning what you like the entire time.
3. What you’re wearing: guys pay attention less to what you’re wearing, because they ultimately want to see you out of all those clothes. Even though you feel sexy in your matching lingerie, you don’t have to wear those clothes in order to impress a guy. Wear what makes you feel sexy and comfortable and strong, and a guy will pick up on that.
4. Body hair: we don’t like it, and we go through painful lengths to get rid of it. If we haven’t waxed recently, we might feel intimidated by getting physically close to another person. However, most guys aren’t going to notice or care that you haven’t shaved in a while plus, they might actually like it!
5. Sweat happens: when you are physically attracted to someone, your odor can play a big part in letting them know. The pheromones that your body puts out can attract a compatible partner, but you can still use perfumes or deodorants with scents you enjoy, especially if it makes you feel more confident.
Your imperfections are yours so learn to embrace them, accept them, and learn to love yourself before worrying about what anyone else thinks. When you do find a compatible partner, remember that they likely do not see the same imperfections that you do. They are excited to be with you and to get to know you. If they do comment on your imperfections, maybe they aren’t worth as much of your time as you thought they were. You deserve all the love in the world.
I appreciate the positive reinforcement provided in this post. It’s refreshing to acknowledge that men are generally not as focused on our flaws as we tend to imagine. Instead, they cherish the moments of intimacy and connection. A well-needed perspective!
This piece offers insightful advice on common insecurities women might face. Though it does seem to perpetuate the need for external validation, it helps remind us that intimacy is about connection, not perfection. The points about body hair and sweat are surprisingly refreshing.
The advice to embrace imperfections aligns with broader discussions on self-esteem and mental well-being. It’s a pragmatic approach to dealing with the pressures of social and romantic engagements.
Acknowledging that many perceived flaws go unnoticed by partners could be empowering for those who struggle with body image. The psychological impact of this understanding shouldn’t be underestimated.
It’s interesting to consider the focus on minor imperfections. This perspective could be enlightening for many who deal with anxiety about their appearance in intimate settings.
Oh great, another article telling us that our ‘O’ face is sexy. Next time I’ll make sure to rehearse mine in front of a mirror. Seriously though, a solid attempt at comfort but still heavy on the clichéd ‘don’t worry, you’re good enough’ tropes.
The article brings up a valid point about self-perception versus how others see us. It’s a reminder that we often stress about details that may not be as significant as we think.
While the article offers a degree of comfort to those plagued by perfectionism, it seems to trivialize a deeper, societal issue: why do women feel this immense pressure to appear flawless in the first place? Instead of telling us what men don’t notice, shouldn’t we focus on dismantling the structures that enforce these insecurities?
The emphasis on personal comfort and confidence is crucial. While societal standards often dictate our concerns, focusing on what makes us feel strong seems more beneficial.
This entire article misses the mark. It’s not about what men notice or don’t. Women should feel empowered and confident without constantly seeking validation from men. The message should be about self-worth and self-love, not whether our imperfections are overlooked during sex.
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