Be Stubborn: The Fine Art of Never Giving Up

Never Giving Up

When we’re kids, stubbornness is a characteristic that is often seen as negative by the adults in our lives. In some cases, being stubborn is a bad thing because it causes us to be resistant to change, unable to learn, and unwilling to see the easy way of doing something. It can make us poor listeners and difficult co-workers.

But stubbornness also has its upsides. Being stubborn can cause you to break down obstacles in your relationship or career. When you set goals, you accomplish them. Stubbornness can mean never giving up until you’ve gotten what you wanted. Being stubborn can mean holding out for what you deserve.

We can all be tempted to give up on people or situations when the going gets tough. However, remember that everything has a cycle; discouragement and despair are feelings to break through, rather than to wallow in.

Here are seven ways to push through challenges rather than giving up:

Remember the beginning. At the start of every project or relationship there is a spark that began it all. There was the idea that grew into the thrill of creating and planning. The beginning is full of goals that need to be accomplished, and its full of anticipation and excitement. When you feel as if there’s no point in moving forward or that you’re facing a challenge too big to confront, remember how you felt at the beginning and how you promised yourself to never give up.

Understand what it is that is making you feel like giving up. By understanding what is confounding us, we can defeat it. Figure out what it is that you are struggling with such as is it feelings of failure, or not wanting to disappoint others? Do you feel emotionally and physically exhausted? Sometimes we need to take a step back and view the relationship or project from a ways away. We often forget self-care during these times, which can affect our mindset. There are a few reasons why quitting might seem like the best option, but you can define them and work past them.

Have the goal in mind. Is your image of the end result more important than the struggle to get there? Visualize what you are trying to accomplish and keep that goal in mind as you work. Even if you have failures along the way, picking yourself up and keeping going is more important. Never give up and keep moving forward to experience the thrill of victory.

Have a backup plan. Sometimes what we envisioned happening just isn’t realistic. By having a backup plan, you can get creative in working around problems that come up. You need to have a plan of action and ways to mitigate potential setbacks. By thinking through what could go wrong, you have set yourself up with a stronger foundation for success.

Create a support network. Whether it is family, friends, or partners, surround yourself with people who support you and your vision. Don’t isolate yourself, as this can only negatively affect you. Have people in your life who are always in your corner, ready to help and encourage you.

Be grateful for the process. When we’re in the thick of a challenge, we don’t appreciate it for the learning experience that it is. You might be frustrated, overwhelmed, and tired, but you are doing it. Every day you get up, you are winning. Create a list of people and things you are grateful for to remind you when things get tough.

Take pride in victories along the way. Toot your own horn! Celebrate milestones along the way to your goal. There might still be much to do, but you can still be excited about how much you’ve already accomplished. These small steps add up to a whole lot of progress before you know it.

Never give up, even when that seems like the best option. You deserve the best, which means creating success and victory in your own life. Take care of yourself and dig deep because you, my friend, are stronger than you think you are. Never give up!