Psychic Akashic Reading

Edgar Cayce

When you reach your highest level, you can still level up higher by getting an Akashic reading. There is much more to your life than you might even know and if you wonder why, you were put where you are on earth, this kind of reading can help you.

One of the most known psychics for Akashic record reading is Edgar Cayce. He was called the “sleeping prophet” and did Akashic readings for over 40 years of his life. He is even known for the Association for Research and Enlightenment in the United States.

When a psychic has ESP, they are able to get into the Akashic records which are records that tell everything about your life from your past to your present and even into your future. Anything that has ever been done, said, or even thought are in these records. These are the Celestial records of your life, and they are on the etheric level.

Akashic records can be hard to understand but if you are on a higher level, it might be easier for you. You can find things about your life, your health, career, incarnations, relationships, and anything that you want to know. If you aren’t sure about your weaknesses and strengths, these records can help.

Akashic Record Readings

Akashic readings happen in the etheric field. This is what your soul has been through and the many lives that you have experienced along the way. These readings can be done by psychics that specialize in these kinds of things. This can help you to get understandings about your life, your personality, the professional life you have lived and more. Your life lessons are also recorded in these records.

Getting an Akashic record reading can help you to understand your Soul Purpose. It can help you to know that you are different than other people and what makes you interesting and creative. Maybe you want to know what kind of career fits you best, are you a healer or a teacher or maybe you are a leader. You can find your gifts so that you can manifest them in the present.

Your psychic can also find out what causes you to have negative habits such as drug addiction, eating disorders or other things that are causing your life to not be as purposeful. If you have faced big changes in your life such as having to move or you are trying to find out what kind of home or car to buy, your Akashic reader can help with this.

Do you want to understand yourself more deeply? You can get information from your records that can help. As the reading begins, the psychic will get into a state of mind that will help them to be open to the spiritual world. This can allow them to open up the records by saying a prayer. You can then ask whatever questions that you want to ask.

Final Thoughts

The Akashic records can be one of the most helpful tools in your life and it can help you to become one with your mind, body, and soul. Find out more about your life and your purpose by getting an Akashic record reading.