What It Means to Have a Yellow Aura?

Yellow Aura

Do you ever have someone come into the same room as you and you feel like they have to be the most fun person ever and you’ve never met them? They might be someone that seems to brighten the room when they walk in. When they walk in, they might even have people drawn to them. More than likely, this person has a yellow aura.

Everyone has an aura, and the aura tells a lot about your health and even your personality. The aura is your energy that emits from your body. Someone with a yellow aura will draw people in naturally because they are bright and lively.

Do you have a yellow aura? Find out what that means:

Traits of a Yellow Aura

Someone that has a yellow aura is often referred to as being part of the sun. They are happy, bright, and full of life. When they enter the room, they always bring something positive with them.

They are very bright and creative and most of the time they are wise. They come across as confident and they can inspire people without trying too hard. They observe others well and they are very creative. When you speak to a yellow aura, you will notice that they think outside of the box, and they are very spiritual.

There are some qualities of a yellow aura though that might not be as positive. These people are deep and because of this, they are often intense. They work hard which often makes them overwork and they don’t have a lot of time for themselves or for fun things because of their dedication.

When someone has a yellow aura, they need to learn to recharge because they are extroverts, and they can get tired and overwhelmed when they are around other people. Sometimes too, they make people that have different colored auras to feel uncomfortable like those that are introverted or negative personalities.

Meaning of a Yellow Aura

There are different shades of yellow that can mean different things. Some of the most known yellow aura colors are white, golden, light, dark, bright, and orange. Here is what the different shades mean.

White Aura

Someone with a white aura that has a tinge of yellow are sensitive people. They have experienced trauma or suffering in their life, and they are in tune with the world around them. They are able to understand those that are negative, and they will sometimes even withdraw themselves because they feel tired when they have to deal with negativity.

Someone with a white aura needs to learn to meditate to help get rid of negative feelings and they need to take time to recharge so that they can be strong.

Golden Aura

A golden aura is one that is a leader and is able to help with the mission of others. They are sometimes teachers, and they can influence people easily. They are enlightened and are far on their spiritual journey.

These people have self-control and are very wise. They are smart and they are able to get along with most people. They are also people that need to be careful to not push other people away but to teach them in a kind way and be gentle.

Light Yellow Aura

When you have a light-yellow aura, you are someone that most likely has just started something new. You are able to create new things and are smart. You grow as life grows and you are positive and excited about your life.

This aura can mean that you are spiritual, and you are going through your awakening, or you already have. Find out what path that you want to take and when you do this, you will feel free.

Dark Yellow Aura

A dark yellow aura can mean that you need to take a break from life. You might need someone that needs to take more breaks. This aura is probably stressed or tired and are often professionals that work hard to be perfect. They sometimes fall into unhealthy or toxic relationships, and it can mean that they don’t feel appreciated.

To brighten this kind of aura, you need to separate yourself from things that are causing you pain and find people that are positive.

Bright Yellow Aura

Bright yellow auras are those that are full of happiness and self-confidence. They have a hard time working on relationships and their careers because they want to be in charge. They are sociable and they worry about how others see them.

Their aura is bright because they have a false sense of confidence, and this can mean that they are really suffering even if they don’t show it. This shade needs to be recharged and needs to have people in their life that reassure them.

Orange Yellow Aura

This aura color comes by mixing orange and yellow. This is an intense color, and these people are often selfish about reaching their goals and are perfectionists. They focus on what is going on and, on every detail, instead of the finished project.

If you are this color aura, you need to be mindful and to meditate so that you can focus on your life while getting rid of brain chatter.

Yellow Aura and the Chakras

This aura is represented of the Solar Plexus chakra. This is found at the belly button and is also called the Manipura. This chakra helps people to have wisdom and self-confidence.

Working on this chakra can help people to reach their goals and when this person is balanced, they will have good self-esteem and confidence about them. These people can put their mind to anything and get it done.

If the chakra is blocked though, they will feel down on who they are and they will need to balance the chakra to have peace.  If you see this color being aggressive or overly dominate, they need to look closer at their aura.

Their self-confidence can be low, and this can be because they are trying to be perfect, and they aren’t building themselves up in a healthy way.

Spiritual Self and Yellow Auras

This aura is connected to the solar plexus chakra and has to do with enlightenment and wisdom. People with these auras are able to manifest things well and they are able to share their energies with other. The problem is that this can be positive or negative energies.

This color is also associated with being selfish or negative and they can pick up any kind of energies around them no matter what kind they are. Those with this kind of aura need to have more spiritual connection or they will draw to negative things.

Dealing with a Yellow Aura

Someone with a yellow aura is someone great to have in your life. They are positive and they have fun ideas. They can bring brightness into your life. Sometimes though, this color aura suffers with low self-esteem. They can become dark due to their perfectionist attitude, and this can hurt them.

If you or someone you know has this shade of aura, make sure that you take time to be mindful about what is going on in your life and that you focus on positive things around you.