Working Toward Self-Improvement

Working Toward Self-Improvement

Self-improvement can be an intimidating idea. We want to make ourselves better, but often this change remains slightly outside of our grasp. We’re not sure what we need to do first in order to be better- in fact, the idea of being better is confusing and vague.

If you are looking for ways to improve yourself, start with the specifics. List your goals and the tasks you need to accomplish in order to make those goals a reality. If you’re having trouble making goals or seeing what you need to do to make them happen, talk to close friends or family members. They might have insights into your life and can help you see your strengths and weaknesses in a different light.

A lot of us struggle with the idea that life is never really complete. We think that, at a certain point or age, our stuff should be sorted out, right? Unfortunately, life doesn’t work this way. We are in constant need of self-care, and we have lessons that need to be learned at every stage of our life. We need to grow and change, or else we stagnate.

Here are a few ways to increase your levels of self-improvement and to keep an eye out on ways you might be subtly sabotaging yourself without even knowing it.

We all do this with tasks we don’t like. By ignoring a situation, chore, or other thing we don’t look forward to doing, we end up stressing ourselves out way more than necessary. If you find yourself procrastinating often, you might find your efforts at self-improvement easily thwarted.

If you judge yourself based on others, you’re in for a bad time. We see what others show us, whether it’s on their social media or the stories they tell us. We compare our blooper reel, the nitty gritty moments in our life, with their highlight reel- what they show the world. Don’t get caught up in the comparison game; you are unique because you are you, and your path is specific to you.

You might be rejecting people, their support, and their help without even knowing it. Sometimes we are so focused on ourselves and our own problems that we don’t see the solutions our close friends and family have for us. This support network is essential to your health and well-being. Learn to accept help and support from the people who love you most.

Don’t play the waiting game. Again, this boils down to us expecting life to get better at some point, without actually working to make it so. You can have all the good intentions in the world, but you aren’t going to improve your life without taking action.

Learn from failure. Our reaction to failure says a lot about who we are as people. Instead of running from the bad feelings that failure brings, sit with them. Think about what could have been done differently and let go of what you cannot change. There is always a lesson we can learn from our failure, and this lesson is essential for self-improvement.

The blame game. If you blame others for your shortcomings or lash out in anger when things don’t go your way, its harmful to you and those around you. This negative energy isn’t helping you grow, nor is it being very nice to the people around you who want what is best for you. Be kind, even when you are hurting.

Psychological studies show that the physical act of smiling when you are sad can boost your mood and actually make you feel happy. Over time, your brain is rewired to feel happiness. Smiling works!

Let love in. when we’re so focused on ourselves and the negative parts of our life, we often fail to see where love is trying to get in. Don’t just wait for love to find you- go, seek it out, and search for the kind of people you want in your life. Be a flirt, put yourself out there, and gain confidence in yourself and who you are.

Surround yourself with people you like. This sounds obvious, but how much of your day is spent tolerating people who bring you down? We can’t always help who our co-workers or bosses are, but we can hang out with people who support us and build us up.

Set realistic goals. When you are aiming for self-improvement, set reasonable goals. Change happens slowly, over time, and with great intention driving it. You’re not going to wake up tomorrow an entirely different person. Remember, you’re improving yourself, not changing what makes you the person that you are.

Resist doubt. We can have a hard time making decisions, and we have a tendency to second guess ourselves. Remember to go with your gut and trust your instincts; you know what is best for you, your mind, and your body.