How Do Remote Viewing Psychics Help People find Missing Things?

Remote Viewing Psychics

Remote viewing can best be defined as listening with one’s mind. Psychics with this ability can receive intuitive mental information and impressions about targets such as objects, people, or places.

The information and impressions transcend space, time, shielding, and distance. Remote viewing psychics can use those abilities to find lost objects, locate missing people or pets, or acquire vital information that is otherwise not available to other people’s five physical senses.

Remote viewing is a discipline that everybody has the ability to develop. It’s widely accepted, not just within the spirituality and new age communities. Even the U.S. military trained people to use remote viewing as an intelligence-gathering tool in the Defense Intelligence Agency’s “Stargate Project” between 1972 and 1995.

How Remote Viewing Works

Remote viewing isn’t quite what it sounds like. It’s not like a movie playing in the psychic’s mind. Instead, the psychic receives sensory impressions that are very subtle. By considering the unique order and combination of those impressions, the psychic can draw accurate conclusions, see clear descriptions, and receive other important information about the remote target.

Remember that a psychic doesn’t use the natural five senses of feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting, and smelling, but they use senses that come from the spiritual world. Instead of physically having these senses, their mental senses come into their mind to create visions and awareness that other people do not have.

Preparing for a Remote Viewing Psychic Reading

How clients prepare for their remote viewing session with a psychic has a significant impact on the quality of the reading. To make a strong connection with the psychic, it’s critical to center your mind and relax your body prior to making your call. Try to balance your energy field as much as you can, so that the psychic will be able to easily tap into your personal frequency and begin the reading in the best possible way.


Getting a remote viewing psychic reading can be very beneficial to someone that is looking to find a missing person, pet, or object.

The reading should be sought with an open mind and an open heart because a real psychic will give you the information that they sense rather it is good or bad.

Learn more about remote viewing psychic readings at right now!


  1. I appreciate the practical advice on how to prepare for a remote viewing session. Centering the mind and balancing one’s energy seems crucial for any form of psychic reading.

  2. This is utter nonsense. The idea that people can ‘listen with their mind’ and gather information transcending physical senses is scientifically unsubstantiated. It’s disconcerting that such pseudoscience is perpetuated even in modern times.

  3. The emphasis on approaching remote viewing with an open mind and heart is valuable. It underscores the importance of being receptive to whatever information may come through, whether positive or negative.

  4. The notion that remote viewing transcends space, time, and shielding is absolutely fascinating. The fact that even the U.S. military saw potential in this practice with the Stargate Project adds a layer of credibility. I’m definitely intrigued and would love to learn more.

  5. It’s worth noting, the Defense Intelligence Agency’s ‘Stargate Project’ really did experiment with remote viewing. This historical fact potentially lends some weight to the practices discussed in the article, although the results of such projects have always been controversial and widely debated.

  6. The concept of utilizing mental senses rather than the traditional five physical senses for remote viewing is a stimulating thought. It raises questions about the nature of perception and consciousness.

  7. I find it hard to believe that centering your mind and balancing your energy field can enable a psychic to tap into your frequency. It sounds more like a script for a sci-fi novel than a credible practice. Where is the empirical evidence to support these claims?

  8. So, let me get this straight: we can now find our keys by just thinking really hard with our ‘spiritual senses’? I suppose my dog is hiding somewhere in another dimension. I’ll be sure to book a session with a remote viewer next time I can’t find my TV remote. 🙄

  9. The description of remote viewing as ‘listening with one’s mind’ is intriguing. It appears to bridge the gap between spirituality and intelligence gathering, which is historically fascinating given the U.S. military’s involvement.

  10. It’s interesting to note that remote viewing is not confined to spiritual communities but has found applications in intelligence operations. This dual aspect certainly lends it a broader credibility.

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