How to Cleanse Your Crystals

Cleansing Your Crystals

Maybe you have picked out some new crystals or maybe someone gave you one. Did you know that even though crystals are pretty to look at, they are much more than that? You can use crystals to help to heal you and as you hold them in your hands, you can use them for other things such as clarity and protection. The thing is, you need to make sure that your crystals are cleansed before you ever try to use them.

Cleansing Your Crystals

Crystals are put through machines to make them smooth, and they are transported around the world, so this means that they are moving through energies of people and things all the time. The crystal will pick up the vibration and energies of anywhere that it is, and they absorb energy just like we do.

It is important to cleanse your crystals before you use them. Getting a crystal in the mail can be exciting but if you cleanse it first, it can work the best that it is meant to do.

Even if you have had the crystal for a while and you have used it, you should still cleanse it here and there. As you use it for healing or to gather up negative energies away from you, the crystal needs to be working its best and it can’t do that when it is full of negative energy from its environment. If you have a crystal that you wear as jewelry every day, it is also in need of a cleansing. But, if you have high vibe crystals such as selenite, you don’t need to cleanse it because it cleanses itself.

How to Cleanse Your Crystals

There are different techniques that you can use to cleanse your crystals and one is using the elements.

  • Earth Cleansing

You can use the earth element to cleanse your crystal by burying it in the dirt for a few days and leaving it overnight or whenever you are ready to retrieve it. You can also put sea salt in a bowl and put your crystal in that and let the salt pick up the negative energy. Some salt will hurt some crystals so you should research the best method for your particular crystal.

  • Smudging

Another way to cleanse your crystals is through smudging. You can burn cedar or sage and you can let the smoke go over your crystal. This allows the negative energy to move out of the crystal and into the smoke. This is a way that you can let your crystal be full of positive energy. Some people will put the crystal in a jar and then blow smoke in it and cover it until the smoke sits there for a few minutes.

  • Fire or Heat Cleansing

You can put some crystals in heat and flames in order to cleanse it. Some will be damaged by fire, so you need to know which ones are safe in flames. Those that use fire or heat can do this by lighting a candle and holding the crystal in the flame for a few seconds.

You can also put the crystal close to your body and hold it in your hand so that it can pick up your heat and cleanse itself that way.

  • Water Cleansing

Water cleansing is a great way to cleanse your crystals. You can put the crystal in an ocean or in a lake or you can even use your own water. Once again, make sure that water doesn’t hurt your crystals before you do this.

Let the water run over the crystal or let it soak in it overnight.

Cleansing and Charging Y our Crystals with Light

Not only is cleansing important but so is charging your crystal. You can do this by using the sun or the moonlight. Some people will put their crystals on their windowsill at night and let the moon fill it with energy and some will do this during the day.

  • Solar Cleansing

Using solar to cleanse your crystals can help to get rid of any stagnant energy that is left on the crystal. Make sure that you aren’t exposing the crystal to extreme light or temperatures for too long.

  • Lunar Cleansing

You can use the moonlight, as said above, to cleanse your crystals. Some people will even put their crystals outside for a period of time to let the lunar moon cleanse it.

  • Eclipse Cleansing

If you get to see a lunar or solar eclipse, this is one thing that you can use to clean your crystals. You can allow the crystal to soak up the energy of the eclipse and this is a great spiritual cleansing for your crystals.

How Often Should You Cleanse Your Crystals?

You should cleanse your crystals often if you are doing healing work or you are using them to get rid of negative energy. Crystals that have been unused for 6 months or more might need to be cleansed if you are going to use them for a ritual of any sort. You should also do this if you are using your crystals for rituals when you get finished.

Crystals that Cleanse Themselves

As mentioned above crystals like Selenite can cleanse themselves. Here are some others that have high vibes and will be able to cleanse themselves without you having to do it:

  • Carnelian.
  • Ouro Verde Quartz.
  • Lemurian Seed Crystals.
  • Phantom Quartz.
  • Herkimer Diamond.
  • Zeptoliter.
  • Rose Aura Quartz.
  • Danburite.
  • Yellow Kunzite.
  • Pink Crackle Quartz.
  • Novaculite.
  • Apophyllite Pyramids.
  • Spirit Quartz.

Charging with Universal Energy

You can use universal energy to cleanse your crystals. Make an altar and then ask your spirit guides to come and cleanse your stones. Leave them there for at least a day or longer and even during a complete lunar cycle.

After you feel that they have charged with this divine energy, use them for whatever you need to use them for.


  1. Are we seriously still talking about rocks having ‘negative energy’? This pseudoscience is getting out of hand. Next thing you know, we’ll be told to bathe our crystals in unicorn tears to unlock their full potential. Let’s stick to actual science, shall we?

  2. I find it absolutely fascinating how crystals can absorb and retain energy. It makes so much sense to cleanse them to ensure they’re working at their optimal capacity. I’ve been using crystals for years and can personally vouch for how effective these cleansing techniques are. It’s like giving them a rejuvenating spa treatment!

  3. While the concept of crystal cleansing might seem esoteric, there’s an interesting parallel to consider with the scientific principle of energy transfer and retention. Crystals, by their crystalline structure, do have unique properties that could theoretically interact with their environment. However, the proposed metaphysical aspects should be viewed with a measured degree of skepticism.

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