Being Mindful of Other Peoples’ Feelings

Being Mindful of Other Peoples’ Feelings

Let’s face it, we can’t always prevent other peoples’ feelings from getting hurt. When it comes to relationships, though, ending it isn’t the only part of a relationship that can hurt. Throughout our time together we can be sarcastic, critical, and downright mean to our partners, even if we don’t intend to be.

When we become close to another person, we start to depend on them for our emotional and physical needs. Not only do we react when they affect our emotional state, but we also react when they affect our physical selves or our physical space. They might forget to get something you needed from the store or forget to run an important errand, even though you asked them more than a few times. Your frustration over that matter might overcome the knowledge that you love and adore the person you are in a relationship with.

We hurt one another when we feel hurt as well. This is a cycle that can be repeated and escalate in relationships until it hits a harmful, destructive level.

Here are three situations to watch out for when you are with your partner that could lead to hurt feelings, but when handled correctly they could bring you closer together:

  1. Pay attention. When you stop really listening to one another, you’re both going to get into trouble. Listening to your partner doesn’t just mean listening to their stories about their day or what they need you to do, but to also listen to what they aren’t saying. Communication in a relationship is so important and should never be undervalued. If you get caught not paying attention, apologize and try to do better.

Remember to always put your phone down and turn off the television when having an important conversation with your partner. This shows that you love and respect them and that you want to hear everything that they have to say.

2. A lack of trust. If you or your partner feels the need to snoop through the other’s personal belongings, including a phone or computer, there are likely some serious trust issues brewing. Transparency in a relationship is very important, but you should also be able to trust that your partner is looking out for you. Invading the other person’s privacy creates rifts in your relationship and makes it harder to overcome issues you may have in the future.

3. Pushing each other’s buttons. We know what makes our partner tick, and you might be tempted to push some of those buttons in the midst of a fight or a disagreement. These knock-down, drag out fights can lead to anger, emotional explosions, and going to bed without resolving your problems together in a constructive manner.

4. Making decisions can be difficult when you are partnered up. You have to practice trust and compromise on a daily basis. When it comes to making decisions, do what you can to include your partner in those decisions. There are small and large choices that you need to make in life and in your relationship, which is made easier when you have a partner to back you up and support you.

Hurting each other happens sometimes. We do it with our words and our actions, whether we mean it or not. We can learn to safely navigate other peoples’ feelings by holding our tongues during a fight, treating others and ourselves with compassion and respect, and waiting out negative emotions before engaging with others.

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  1. Trust issues can indeed be very corrosive in a relationship. The article’s point about transparency and the need for mutual respect of privacy is well taken. Honest communication should always be the cornerstone of any partnership.

  2. I appreciate the informative approach, especially the emphasis on communication and trust. These are foundational elements in any relationship. However, the inclusion of an ad for ‘Accurate Love Psychic Readings’ somewhat undermines the credibility of the otherwise sound advice.

  3. The section on pushing each other’s buttons during disagreements resonated with me. It’s crucial to approach conflicts with a mindset of resolution and empathy rather than escalation. This article offers practical strategies for doing just that.

  4. The author seems to assume that all relational problems are easily navigable with simple tweaks in behavior. It’s a bit ironic to suggest that holding our tongues and showing respect can entirely prevent emotional hurt, given the complexity of human interactions.

  5. This article is a profound reminder of the complexities of human relationships. It’s enlightening to see such practical advice on how we can prevent minor conflicts from escalating into serious issues. The emphasis on communication and trust is crucial. Truly, understanding the unspoken needs of our partners can create a stronger bond and minimize misunderstandings. Kudos to the author for such an insightful read!

  6. Ah, the classic ‘turn off the TV and listen’ advice. Because clearly, watching the latest episode of a show is what’s destroying relationships. If only solving relational problems were as easy as switching off electronics!

  7. This piece serves as a poignant reminder of the inevitable emotional turbulence in relationships. Effective communication and empathy can mitigate many issues, but this doesn’t diminish the inherent challenges of maintaining harmony. Kudos to the author for highlighting these vital aspects.

  8. The article is quite reductionist. It glosses over the complexities of human emotions and relationships with simplistic solutions. The notion that ‘paying attention’ or ‘turning off the television’ will resolve deep-seated relational issues is naive at best.

  9. The article effectively highlights the importance of communication and trust in maintaining a healthy relationship. It’s insightful to see how small actions, like paying attention and avoiding unnecessary snooping, can make a significant difference.

  10. The emphasis on listening and understanding non-verbal cues is crucial. Often, what isn’t said can be more telling than what is articulated. It’s a solid reminder to stay connected and engaged with our partners.

  11. The cyclical nature of hurt and response in relationships is well articulated. It’s important to recognize and break these cycles before they become too damaging. Practical advice like putting down the phone during conversations is particularly helpful.

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