Make Her Notice You: Genuine Ways to Stand Out and Capture Her Attention

Make Her Notice You

When you are dating someone, you want her to give you attention. When she isn’t giving you the attention that you want, you need to figure out how to get more attention from her. Maybe she has a hard job or maybe she has friends or family that are taking up a lot of her time. There are ways to get her to notice you and give you attention without having to ask.

Is She Pushing You Out?

You might wonder if she is pushing you out, but you need to pay attention to what is going on with you and the relationship. You also might need to see if there are things going on in your life that are causing her to have less time to spend with you at the time.

You can ask your friends or family to give you advice so that you can see things from a clear perspective. If people are saying that she is the one that is causing the problem the you need to see if you are being overly clingy or needy. You don’t want to have to force someone to give you attention.

Demanding attention or being pushy can push her away for good. Here are some signs that she isn’t giving you the attention that you need:

She Hangs Out with Other People

You want your partner to have time with their friends but when they are spending the time with others more than you it can be a problem. You might see them spending time on social media with friends when you ask them to hang out.

Texting Others

If she is always texting other people and not you, she might not be giving you the attention that you need.

Takes Too Much Time to Text

She might be taking too much time to answer you in between your texts. This would be different if she didn’t always have her phone.

She Is Always Talking to Others

Before she texts you or calls you, she spends a lot of her time with other people on the phone. She is giving her attention by talking to others or messaging them instead of giving you the attention that you need.

You Are Unheard

When you talk to her you feel that she isn’t hearing you or taking what you say seriously. Even if she tells you that she will listen more, she might still not be responsible for this.

You Aren’t Number 1

You should be number 1 in your partners life. If you aren’t then you aren’t going to get the time that you deserve and you won’t be the first thing in her life.

She Hurts Your Feelings

When she does things, she can hurt your feelings. If she doesn’t care or she thinks that you are being unreasonable, chances are that you need to move on.

She Won’t Commit

When you ask her to hang out, she won’t commit to you. You never know what you can expect out of her.

She’s Selfish

Women that don’t want to give their partner attention are selfish. She doesn’t really seem to care about what you want, or you need.

Getting the Attention, You Need

There is always going to be work and always going to be other people. Your partner should be involved in these things but if she isn’t giving you the attention that you need, something has to change. In order to have a healthy relationship, you have to tell her what you’re feeling.

Here are some ways that you can get more attention from her without begging:

Figure Out Your Relationship

You have to start by figuring out what your relationship is. If she isn’t committed to you then you can’t expect her to act like a girlfriend to you.

Why Do You Want More Attention?

Find out why you need more attention from him. Why is this important to you?

Tell Your Feelings

Tell your partner how you feel and what is going on inside of you. If you don’t tell her then she won’t know.

Giving You More Time

Remember, she might be so busy that she isn’t able to give you more time. If she is working or if she is doing school or has children, this will take up a lot of her time. Tell her how you feel and see if she can make changes for you.

Set Goals

Set goals that you can spend more time together. Set the goals together and reserve a certain day for each other.

Take it Slow

Instead of making massive plans, go slow and make small plans until you start getting the attention that you want and need.

Do It

If you want to get the attention to yourself then you need to give her attention. Set an example of what you want from her.

Think About Yourself

Why do you need this attention? Figure out why you feel that your partner isn’t giving you the attention that you want or need.


Don’t hide your emotions and let her see what is going on inside of you.

Keep Living

Learn to live your best life and continue doing the best that you can. Hang out with friend and family if you aren’t getting the attention from your lady.

Is The Lack of Attention Your Fault or Hers?

Being in a relationship with someone means that you are hoping to get attention and love. If you are having a problem with this, figure out why. You might be asking for too much or you might be someone that is needy. If this is the case, you might need to change.

Remember, things go two ways and sometimes people just aren’t able to give you what you want. When life is easy, it can be hard to spend more time with someone but when they love you, they will do their best to make you happy.


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