Questions You Should Ask a Psychic

Questions You Should Ask a Psychic

Most people have the idea that if they go to a psychic, they can get concrete answers about their life and their future. Of course, this isn’t true because of free will, but if you want to get guidance from a psychic, they can give you that, but you need to know the right questions to ask.

There is no guarantee that you will get the answers that you want, but if you know the right questions to ask, chances are you will have a better reading. If you aren’t sure how to get your questions ready, here are some questions to ask. You can tweak them for yourself, or you can use them straight up.

General Questions

When you aren’t sure what you want with a psychic, here are some general questions you can ask:

What should I know about my life as I go forward?

This is an open-ended question and shows that you want to grow and better yourself. Your psychic can tell you what you need to hold on to and what you need to let go of as you move forward.

As you learn to understand your soul’s purpose, you can see what path you’re supposed to be on. Asking the right questions allows the psychic to give you good advice.

What kinds of energies are surrounding me?

The interesting thing about psychics is that they get their information based on your energy and the energies around you. They can even read your aura and know if you have negativity in your life.

By asking the right questions, the psychic can suggest things that you can change to help you live a positive life. Asking questions about energy is a good question to ask because you can find out if there are energies that are draining you.

As you learn more about who you are, your psychic can help you see what kinds of energies you have and who around you is bringing positivity or negativity into your life. The more aware you are of this, the faster you can be on the right track.

Love Questions

Asking questions about love is one of the most common reasons for a psychic reading. Questions about finding a soulmate, your current relationship, or what you need to be a good partner are all great questions to ask your psychic. This can help you know what you need to do to be more open to love.

What are some things I can do to find my soulmate?

By asking “what” and not “when,” you will see that you are going to get a better response. A real psychic won’t give you a “when” answer if they aren’t 100% sure, and they never can be because timelines change due to your own free will.

If you’re trying to find love, you need to learn to love yourself and be open to love.

What do I need to know about my past relationships?

Asking about your past relationships can help you see what you need to change in case you go into a new relationship. This kind of question can help you get ready for new love.

What should I know about the people I’m hanging out with?

Just like a romantic relationship, you might need to know how to be a better friend or a better sibling. This will help you see more value in the relationships that you have.

Questions About Career and Finances

Being successful in your career is another common topic. If you’re wondering about your job or want to have more money, you need to know what to ask.

What do I need to know about my current career?

By asking about your current career, you can know what kind of job you’re meant to be in and check your progress in life.

If you feel burnt out or want to have a better relationship with your job, asking these questions can help.

Should I choose a new career?

Worrying about your current job or looking to find a new career is something a psychic can help with. They can help you see if now is the right time to choose a new job or if you need to face something new.

What kind of career will give me the most abundance?

A psychic can help you see what will be most rewarding for your life. If you’re interested in a different job, you can talk to your psychic to see how to handle opportunities.

How can I grow at my current job?

If you are already comfortable in your job, you might want to know how to grow and advance. A psychic can look at your energies in your job and see what you need to plan for.

Questions About Family

Asking questions about your family can help you understand them more and give you a stronger sense of who you are.

What do I need to know about my family?

Asking about your family can help you see if you have any problems or issues with them. The psychic can tell you about your siblings, your parents, or even any money problems you might face.

By understanding your relationships with your family, you can better understand how you handle relationships and difficulties in life.

What kinds of energies are around my family?

Asking your psychic about your family can help you understand the energies around them. Your family might be negative, and it might cause you to feel negative, but a psychic can help you.

How can I get close to my family?

If you have had a hard relationship with someone in your family, a psychic can help you form better bonds with them.

Questions About Health

Your health is important, and if you feel like you need to talk to a psychic about your health, they can help you know what you need to do to better your mind, body, and soul.

What energies are surrounding my health?

By asking this question, you can see what is going on with your body and make your energy more positive.

What kind of things do I need to do to have better health?

This question shows that you want to better your life and are ready to make changes.

Questions About Your Future

You might have questions about your future and want to know what to expect in life.

What can I do to stop worrying about my future?

By asking this question, you can see how to deal with stress in your health, relationships, and problems. Asking this can bring you peace and clarity.

Do my spirit guides have a message for me?

When you ask about your spirit guides, your psychic can tune into the spiritual world and find out what kinds of messages your guides have for you.

Asking the Right Questions

You can go to Purple Garden and find articles such as “78 of the Best Questions to Ask a Psychic” to get tips on how to ask the right questions.

Final Thoughts

There are no questions that you can’t ask a psychic, but they might not give you the answers you want. Life is full of complexities, and if you’re dealing with things in your life, talking to a psychic can help.

By finding a reputable platform and a good psychic, you can ask the right questions and get the answers you need to improve your life one step at a time.


  1. The content here sheds light on an interesting aspect of psychic readings—question formulation! It reminds us that our experiences can vary significantly based on our inquiries. A thoughtful approach can indeed yield insightful results.

  2. ‘Do my spirit guides have a message for me?’ Ugh, seriously? This sounds like something out of a late-night infomercial for self-help books! It’s hard to believe people take this seriously. 🙄

  3. “Should I choose a new career?” Come on, people need to make their own choices based on their skills and passions, not rely on vague insights from psychics who probably have no clue about real job markets.

  4. ‘What kinds of energies are surrounding me?’ Really? Are we in some sort of energy class now? This feels like new-age nonsense mixed with psychology. Can we just stick to regular advice instead?

  5. ‘What kind of career will give me the most abundance?’ Sounds like a question for someone who’s never had to struggle in life. Maybe try hard work instead of asking random strangers for advice? 🤔

  6. Honestly, this post feels a bit misleading. It’s suggesting that asking questions can actually lead to answers when in reality, psychics are just guessing like the rest of us. This isn’t a reliable way to seek guidance at all.

  7. I found this article incredibly insightful! It provides practical questions to ask a psychic, which can enhance the experience for anyone seeking guidance. It’s nice to have some structure when navigating the unknown! 🌟

  8. ‘What should I know about my life?’ That’s such a vague question! Why not just ask what color socks you should wear tomorrow? Psychics are not magic eight balls; they can’t predict everything! 🤔

  9. ‘What do I need to know about my family?’ This question really resonates with me! Understanding familial relationships through a psychic’s guidance could be truly healing and enlightening. Family dynamics are complex! 💖

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