Reading Runes as a Beginner

Reading Runes

The runes are stones that are often considered mysterious. They each have carved symbols or letters on them, and the reader will take them from a bag and then cast them. The stones are similar to tarot cards and are used as a means of divination. They all have a meaning that is designated to them, but this hasn’t always been part of the art.

In the past, runes were only used as alphabets, and they were part of the Latin alphabet which was seen in Germany. People think of runes, and they often think that these things are associated with Vikings. This happens because the runes are also associated with Norsemen and there are many artifacts that have been found that were used for people to pray, communicate with each other and to have ownership on certain things. There have even been some runes that had messages that were not so nice on them, thought to be from Vikings or trolls.

There are different varieties of runes and there are many alphabets that are used. These were used for people to read so the alphabets were different depending on the person or the culture. It became a final call that the runes would be read left to right like reading paper. It is thought that many people would use the runes to write out things like spells and they were only used for divination more recently.

Runes came back into use in the 20th century when people become intrigued with magic. The runes were used as magic in the Third Reich and in the 1980’s Ralph Blum wrote a book called, “The Book of Runes,” and it has been updated year after year and some have even added their own interpretations of rune reading.

Runes are also different in the meanings that they have. No matter what kind of magic you are doing, you might use the runes differently. Runes are there to answer questions and some will draw them and try to tell the future. Some will use them reversed while others won’t.

Blum interpreted the alphabet in his book and many beginners will use the book as a guide to help them to interpret the runes.

Rune Meanings

Here are some meanings of the runes:

The Self

This rune is one that helps you to find direction in your life. It allows you to be more aware of who you are and if you draw this rune, you need to make sure that you are not acting without thinking things through and that you are being selfless.

If you draw this in reverse, Blume said that it can mean that your enemy is found in whatever you are trying to progress through.


This rune is a Gift Rune and can mean union. This can mean something that has to do with a romantic relationship, or it can be a business partner. You need to pay attention to this rune and see who you are partnered with. You need to make sure that you are separate as well as united.

The reverse meaning can mean that you are going to get a gift from someone or something.


Blum calls these rues messenger runes, and they are there when you are involved in things that are mischievous. This can mean that information is coming to you, and you need to pay attention to those around you.

In reverse, this can mean that you are miscommunicating with others and that you need to look for good in others.


This is a time separation, and it can mean that you leave something behind such as an object or a relationship. It can mean that you are attached to who you are and that you want to do everything for your society. It can mean you need to become your own self. You need to choose separation if you are not feeling good about where you are.

Reversed, this can mean that you are to focus on good in the group of people that are around you and the way that you act will benefit people that you know.


This rune is about how life brings opportunities. It can also mean that you have given up your freedom or that you are stronger and trained.

In reverse, this can mean that you missed out on something that was for you and that you need to be on the lookout for opportunities.


This is a future rune. It can mean that changes are coming. Let change be your action.

In reverse, you need to live in the now and not worry about what kind of changes are coming into your life at the present.


This is a rune that means to think about friction around you and that you need to have a new spart. It can also mean that you are slow in making progress in things and the delay might bring hardship.

The reverse of this can mean that darkness is around you and you need to learn new things even when it is hard.


This rune can mean that you are becoming new. It can mean that you have completed things in your life and that you are ready to be rewarded.

This rune has no kind of reverse.


The rune can mean that you have patience and that you have the power to make good decisions. You need to have peace in whatever you do.

There is no reverse in this rune.


This can mean that you have an opportunity coming to you that will give you highs and lows but that you need to go through.

In reverse, you shouldn’t be about other people’s business but stay in your own lane.


This is a rune that means that you need to be careful about bragging about what you have. Don’t let things that you have distract you from what is around you.

In reverse, this can mean that you can lose money or become ill.


The rune of Joy can mean that you need to look at your life and you need to restore your joy. It can mean its time to give up on your goals and reach your true self.

In reverse it can mean a change of heart.


This rune can mean that you are doing the right things and you need to stay patient. It can mean that if you are patient that you will be rewarded later.

There is no reverse for this rune.


The Opening rune can mean that you are going through hard things in your life, and you need to change your mindset. It can also mean that you need to make sacrifices so that you can reach positivity.

In reverse, this can mean that a situation in your relationship will have a dark turn to it.

The Warrior

This rune can mean that an attack might come involving your character. You need to progress forward no matter what.

In reverse, this can mean you have a chance to dominate people around you.


This rune can mean that you need to pay attention to issues around you and practice being in control of your life.

In reverse, you need to know what you need so that you can grow and move forward.


This can mean that physical changes are coming in your life, job or your relationships. Pay attention and plan for what the future holds.

In reverse it can mean that you are stuck in something and that it will eventually pass.


This rune can mean that you are moving and that you are going to get whatever is going on. It is a time that you need to show love to yourself.

In reverse, this can mean that you need to get your emotions out and that you need to be kind to yourself.


This rune can mean that big changes are coming in your life. You might feel out of control, but you will need to be prepared for what happens.


This rune can mean that you need to align yourself with who you talk to. Pay attention to your communication and know that there are no coincidences.

In reverse, this can mean that you need to keep good humor.


This rune can mean something bigger is coming. You will have strong energy, but things might go weird for a while.

In reversed, it can mean that you are reaching your goals even faster than expected.


This stone can mean that you are ending things that are plain in your life. You need to embrace the change that is coming.

In reverse, this can mean that you need to pay attention to what brought you to where you are.


This rune means that you need to renew your life and that rebirth is coming to you. Experience the change and embrace it. Be courageous and strong.


This is a time you need to reflect in your life and be still. Wait for the next opportunity to come and set goals you can reach.

The Unknowable

This rune can mean that you are going through change and life is improving for you.