Setting Up a Sacred Space

Sacred Space

If you like to do spells, meditate, or do yoga in your home, you will want to connect with the universe when you do these things. By creating a sacred space, you can express what you need and get the spiritual help you want along the way. This can be a place in your home or even at your office. You can even create sacred spaces in hotel rooms when you travel so that your space is surrounded by good energy.

Your sacred space might have many things in it, or you might have just a couple of things. Some will put up an altar or will put up a statue in a space in their home that is space to them. Other people will create a whole room that is sacred to them or go outside and create a space in their garden with special items.

The place is there to renew and help you find peace and rest. It is a place that allows you to get closer to being your higher self. You can do different things to make your space sacred. Here are some ideas!

What Does Sacred Mean to You?

The first thing you need to do is figure out what it means to have a sacred space. Whether you are always working or you stay at home, your idea of spirituality is your own, and you need to define it and decide how important it is in your life.

Look at your life and decide what makes you feel grounded and centered. A sacred place is your own place, and it is a place where you should feel happy and be able to express yourself and what you desire in your spiritual journey.

What Do You Want in Your Sacred Space?

Think about the space you are setting up and how you will use it. Think about these things:

  • Do you want a place to meditate, pray, or reflect quietly?
  • Do you find peace in your home?
  • What feelings do you have when you think of a sacred place?
  • Do you want your family to contribute to your sacred place?
  • Will you spend time with your family in this space?

What Do You Love?

Your sacred place should be about you, what you love, and what makes you happy and brings you peace. Pick items that you love. Find things that smell like what you like and things that look nice to you. Pick objects that give you positive energy and inspire you to reach your higher self.

If you meditate or do yoga, pick items that will help you achieve your goal. You can even use curtains or a screen to divide your room if you need to have your sacred space in one small area.

You might choose to create your sacred space alone or with family. It can be something you do once and then leave forever, or it might be something you want to change each day. Here are some ideas on what to think about when creating your space:

  • Seasons.
  • The sun, moon, stars, and planets.
  • Beginnings and endings.
  • Anniversaries.
  • Special occasions.

One-Time Events to Create a Sacred Space

Here are some one-time events that you might want to create a sacred space for:

  • To make your new space change from one thing to the next.
  • To celebrate a success.
  • To celebrate a relationship.
  • To have a clear mind when making important decisions.
  • When big changes are made.
  • To be present in your life.

Where to Put Your Sacred Space

You can put your sacred space wherever you have room for it. This could be just a small table in a room, or you could turn a whole room into your sacred space. Here are some things that you can do!

  • Create a space where you will see it, such as across from the kitchen table or across from the couch.
  • Use a small area in a room and add a single object.
  • If you have an entire room, use it.
  • If you only have part of a room, divide it using a corner or a screen.
  • Use a closet if you need to.
  • Pick a spare room that isn’t used for anything else.
  • Choose a room that you only meditate in.
  • Pick an outdoor space such as a garden or a part of your woods.

What to Put in Your Sacred Space

This is your own space, and you should put anything you want in it. Here are some good ideas!

  • Personal items that mean a lot to you.
  • Talismans.
  • Art that you made or art from friends.
  • Postcards or books.
  • Pictures of those that you love.
  • Traditional symbols of protection or statuaries.
  • Crystals or stones that have memories.
  • Candles.
  • Incense.
  • Textures, fabrics, carpets, fountains, mirrors, colors.
  • Musical instruments or ways to play music.
  • Flowers.
  • Plants.
  • Living things.
  • Tools of divination such as oracle or tarot cards.
  • Words of wisdom or sacred texts.

Using Your Intuition

You should use your intuition whenever you decide to set up your own sacred space. Listen to what your intuition tells you, and then follow it. This could be a traditional setup or something from your personal reflection.

This will start with your desire to have something sacred and beautiful. You should use it when you perform rituals or meditate. Make this space as comfortable as possible, and let it inspire you by adding pictures or other things that trigger peace and happiness.

The space will be yours, and you should do what your heart and intuition tell you. Your intuition will guide you in what to add and where to put it.


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