What is Clairsentience?

What is Clairsentience?

Clairsentience is a psychic gift, and it is energy that you can pick up in the spiritual world. These vibrations manifest through feelings or thoughts. The vibrations can change your realm and cause you to see beyond the physical world.

Siddhis are also called psychic gifts, and they are part of the metaphysical world. These are gifts that are part of the spiritual world, and they can be practiced by trying things such as Ashtanga yoga. As you realize what spiritual place you’re at, you might find that you need to train and reach for your spiritual enlightenment. You can even take yoga classes to learn more about where you are spiritually.

You can meditate and reach into the spiritual world. Meditation, also known as elephant strength, can help you do crazy things like levitate. Pratyahara practices can help you reach Dharana and shift into Dhyana, a stronger meditative state where you can receive messages.

What is Clairsentience?

Clairsentience is one of the clair gifts that are part of people’s psychic gifts. This is a French word, “clair,” which means “clear,” and clairsentience means clear feelings. This is when someone can pick up the emotions of those around them because they are tuned into their energies. This can make them feel that what is happening to that person is happening to them. Most of the time, this is someone who is an empath.

Clairsentient people are often highly sensitive and feel everything, even at an extreme measure. This is how they feel about the world around them.

Empathy is a great gift, and if you are highly sensitive, compassionate, caring, and intuitive, you are probably clairsentient. Your gift allows you to pick up emotions, but you also have to be able to protect your energy and put a shield around yourself.

  • Putting Up a Protection Shield

Instead of developing more empathy, people with clairsentience need to focus more on protecting themselves and their energies. They can read body language and practice protecting their energies from negativity.

Before leaving your house, you should ensure you are safe and protected so you don’t drain your energies in the world around you. Here is what you need to do:

  • Ground Yourself

Start by grounding yourself. Do this by using Sukhasana. Sit down somewhere and put your heels under your knees. Close your eyes and know your energy is rooted in the earth below you.

  • Cleansing

Take deep breaths to cleanse your life. Release anything negative that is making you feel tired or drained.

  • Protection

Be aware of the area around you. Keep your heart open and allow yourself to feel protected and safe. Say, “I am safe and protected everywhere I go.”

  • Practice, Practice, Practice!

Take deep breaths, allowing your breath to go from the top of your head all the way to your feet. Allow yourself to think of a light filling you as you breathe. Let this go to your crown chakra, and keep breathing as the light fills you and then surrounds you. Do this for as long as you need to until you feel good and safe.

Final Thoughts

If you need to connect with yourself, do it no matter what time of day it is. Take time to make sure that you are safe, and think about a shield around you protecting you. Trust yourself and know that you are safe and shielded.


  1. This article is an enlightening read! Clairsentience and empathy truly are powerful gifts that can enrich our lives. Grounding and protection strategies are indispensable for maintaining our energy balance.

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