Practicing Unconditional Love

Practicing Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is something we’ve all heard of, and yet how often do we see it practiced? All too often the relationships around us, or even our own relationships, are far from unconditional. We love our partner if they behave the way we want them to, if they take care of us, or if they follow our rules. Rarely do we commit to loving someone no matter what.

Unconditional love is the act of caring about the happiness of another person, regardless of how it affects ourselves. Even if we think we love people unconditionally, there are always caveats to how we feel. We often impose our own ideas of what love should be on our partners without really thinking about how this affects them.

Love isn’t just a feeling, but an action and a choice. We choose to be loved and to display love to our partners, families, and friends on a daily basis. It isn’t always easy, but it is needed.

Unconditional love is the idea that we strive for. By practicing unconditional love, we can see where we are stuck in our relationships, where we demand things of other people, and where we can be better.

What would unconditional love do in trying circumstances? Would unconditional love nag, or would it be easy to understand?

Would unconditional love leave, or would it stay to make someone else happy? Unconditional love doesn’t mean you’re supposed to be a door mat- it means that you have accepted a higher love and are learning from it.

Practicing unconditional love can lead to peace, tolerance, and the ability to overcome obstacles in your life.

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