Soulmates for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime!

Soul Mate Relationships

Soulmates are people who will impact us most over our lifetime.  They just get you on every level of your being.  Although people typically think of a soulmate in romantic terms, they can be any part of your soul family including family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, lovers, or even your enemies.

When we met people, we have exchanges at the soul level and the vibrations can create unique, profound, and challenging ripples.  Some we will instantly recognize, and some may even rub us the wrong way, immediately.  Many of those souls are sent to us to provide valuable wisdom and magnify our feelings of love.  It doesn’t matter how long the meeting is with that person, each of them will make some kind of impact.  Remember how that “random stranger” gave you encouragement at the moment you needed it most?  It may have even shifted your bad day into something great.  Soulmates act as our mirror helping us to see the lessons that we need to see the most in our lives.

Soulmate Types

  • Friends

This is the soulmate that you are most likely to meet over your lifetime.  These individuals were selected prior to your birth due to shared harmony, wisdom, emotions, and life journey.  Essentially you enter into the world with common interest, values, desires, and goals.  Soulmate friendships help you process the world around you while helping you enjoy your time on Earth a bit more.

  • Teachers

These individuals were selected by your soul to impart vital lessons to aid in your spiritual and physical growth.  The wisdom you gain from them most frequently comes in the form of challenging situations you must fight through and come out the other side wiser and stronger.  Soulmate teachers may be family, friends, acquaintances, former lovers, strangers or challengers.  For example, dealing with a narcissistic sibling can teach you a healthy form of the ego.

The stranger struggling to cross the street can teach you more about compassion and patience.  The abusive ex-girlfriend can teach you more about advocating for your needs or to prioritize self-care.  Typically, the problems you face in these relationships are rooted in a failure to honor the lesson that you are being taught.  No matter how hard we try, we can only change the way that we react to these lessons and not the way others react to them.

  • Companions

These individuals are like a soulmate best friend.  They can be any gender, a friend, or a family member.  Soulmate companions will have a soul relationship with you, similar to the soulmate friend but even closer.  This helps the companion to have a longer-lasting bond with you in his lifetime, basically for the remainder of your life.

In a soulmate companion, the pair will feel like that have known each other for multiple lifetimes.  There is a powerful and deep understanding for each other, and they will often share thoughts, behaviors, interests and emotions.  In this kind of relationship, the soulmate companion can be the same soul age as you are, making the bond even stronger.

  • Twin Flame

These are the romantic bonds we typically associate with the term “soulmate.” When we meet our twin flame, it is like finding a missing piece of ourselves.  There is a sense of familiarity and heighten sense of self-awareness upon meeting each other.  Twin flames share the same type of life goals and spiritual interests.  The have an uncanny level of comfort with each other and find their weakness is the other’s strength and vice versa.  Soul age can play a vital part of the twin flame relationship.

Old Souls are more in-tune with finding their mates since they have a better ability to encourage a peaceful and joyous love that is rooted in unconditional affection, which demands their twin to work on their own spiritual development.

Ultimately, no one type of soul mate is more important than any other.  Each were gifted to us to heal our wounds and advance our spiritual growth.

How Soul Mates Enter Our Lives

Soulmates are enjoyed for either a: reason, season or lifetime.  These three different things matter so that you can know what to expect from our soulmate connection which can help you to avoid unnecessary pain or confusion as to what the relationship entails.

Soulmates for a Reason

When you meet your soulmate for a reason it is because you need to meet a need expressed in your life.  This might be for guidance, help through a rough patch, support, or even just for needed conversation.  They can last for only a moment or journey with us throughout our lifetime depending on the relationship type.

Soulmates for a Season

A soulmate for a season is only there momentarily.  They can serve as catalysts to share, grow, and learn, or they can come during a moment where we have to overcome a challenge, a certain belief system or to help discover a hidden passion.  Once you get what you need from this person, they will leave your life.

Soulmates for a Lifetime

Typically, these are twin flame bonds but can occasionally be soulmate companions.  The lessons that lifetime relationships show us are so difficult that they need a lifetime in order to master them. Not only will they help you, but your soul will give them a lifelong lesson, and this will make your connection even more powerful.

In this soulmate situation, the strengths of one serves to reinforce the gifts of the other.  The harmony between these soulmates are so peaceful and easy that you will enjoy each other’s company throughout this lifetime together.  These relationships are so rare that it is like finding a flawless diamond.  Honor this special gift if you find yourself in one of these relationships for you are truly blessed.