Learning How to Forgive

Learning How to Forgive

Forgiveness is more than just forgiving others but it is also forgiving yourself. Forgiveness can be others forgiving you. No matter what happens with forgiveness, you will see that forgiveness can leave you feeling vulnerable.

You cannot allow yourself to live in your past or you will never be able to grow. Forgiveness is one of the ways that you can accomplish this to live a better life.

How to Forgive

When you find yourself in a place where someone asks you to forgive them, you need to think on what had happened and what you are feeling now. You need to let them know that you were hurt and if you need to, talk to someone else about what happened.

Then, you need to decide if you are forgiving them. If you are, you need to make sure that you aren’t going to hold on to the past. You have to let go of the negativity or it will never allow you to grow. Once you forgive, you can accept the forgiveness they give you.

After that, you have to accept that what happened was hurtful to you or the other person hurt you. You have to talk about it and be honest with what happened. Be honest with your part in the situation and make sure that you are being gracious to the other person.

Even with the Hurt

Even with the hurt, choosing to forgive is a personal thing. You need to find peace in your forgiveness and keep in mind that you have done the right thing. Choose not to focus on the pain or the past but focus on how you can move forward.

You can never change what happened, but you can create a new future. The past doesn’t have to tell you how to live now or in the future.

When You Can’t Ask

Sometimes you might not be able to ask for forgiveness but you can still seek it. Maybe you can’t let go of the pain but you want to live a better life. Write down the reasons that you don’t feel like you can forgive.


Using positive affirmations can help you to be more mindful on what you are dealing with. Emotions are hard to deal with and here are some affirmations you can say:

  • I am not perfect.
  • I don’t hate myself but I live a better life.
  • I don’t allow judgements to hold me back.
  • I will not become a victim.
  • I take responsibility for what I do.
  • I accept myself.
  • I have unconditional love for who I am.
  • I get rid of all my stress and anxiety.
  • I am a good person.
  • I am worth forgiving.
  • I deserve to be forgiven.
  • I should forgive others.
  • I release negativity.
  • I deserve to be loved for who I am.
  • I am worth having compassion for.
  • I will forgive those that say negative things to me.
  • I cannot live my life based on how others act.
  • I forgive those that hurt me.
  • I live in peace and joy.
  • I will learn from everyone I meet.
  • My feelings might be hurt but I will still show love.
  • I am thankful to be forgiven.

Picking Peace over Stress

The best thing that you can do is to choose peace over stress. Forgive yourself and forgive others always. This will allow you to release negativity out of your life and to live a life of hope and peace.