Doing a Remote Readings Over In-Person Readings

Remote Psychic Readings

The digital age makes many things much more accessible and this includes psychic readings. People who normally, for one reason or another, can’t go to a medium, now have access to many qualified and reputable mediums. Mediums now can provide advice and reading through a phone call, video, or email.

Yet, even with advances in technology, some believe a digital reading is less accurate or effective than a face-to-face session. That is a myth because different methods all have different advantages, and one isn’t better than another.  Remote readings are as accurate as an in-person visit and could offer several advantages over meeting in person.

What Is Remote Reading?

Remote reading is when a medium connects with you and the spirit world connected with you from a faraway distance. It takes some practice to be able to do this, but most experienced mediums are more than capable of achieving this kind of energy connection. Before doing a remote reading, ask the medium about their experience with remote readings.

Advantages of Remote Readings

There are many advantages that people can experience with a remote reading over an in-person reading. Here are some of those advantages:

You can remain anonymous.

There is still some stigma with those seeking advice from mediums. There are also concerns about blackmail and identity theft. Those who are sensitive to such issues find remote readings either over the phone or email to be as discrete as they are helpful. They have the benefit of maintaining their privacy and solitude also.

Fewer distractions.

Some people, including psychics, can be easily distracted. When you meet with a psychic in person, they could be distracted by various things like your mannerisms, outfit, or even your jewelry. A remote reading allows the psychic to fully concentrate on your reading with no distractions. This means that they could have more information coming to them faster, but with the same accuracy as an in-person reading.

A remote reading also ensures the medium isn’t subconsciously influenced by perceptions. Psychics are humans and could pick up on your concerns or status that could influence a reading. The less they know about you means a more unbiased session.

There are no time or availability constraints.

Technology makes it easier to get readings from your medium without having to schedule an appointment or to travel long distances. With email readings, you can ask your question anytime and they will send you an answer to read at your convenience.

Phone or video readings still need scheduling, but it is still more convenient and comfortable for those seeking a reading to do that than scheduling a meeting in person. Some people feel more relaxed in their home with the distance of a video or phone chat. Plus, travel and lodging costs are saved and that makes psychic readings much more affordable.


Remote reading is a great way to access advice from mediums if you feel awkward about going to see one face to face. It provides distance and privacy that many people need in order to truly seek help. Just be sure to research the medium you seek out before setting up a consultation.


  1. The piece is quite informative, shedding light on the mechanics and benefits of remote psychic readings. It’s fascinating how mediums can connect with energies from afar, making spiritual guidance more accessible to a wider audience.

  2. The article makes some valid points about the advantages of remote readings. The emphasis on privacy and fewer distractions is particularly noteworthy. It seems important to do thorough research on the medium, though, to ensure a quality experience.

  3. I appreciate the balanced view presented regarding the equivalence of remote and in-person readings. The convenience factor certainly cannot be underestimated, especially for those with challenging schedules.

  4. While the convenience of remote readings is clear, I’m curious about the actual effectiveness and how it compares empirically to in-person readings. More detailed studies could shed light on this.

  5. This article provides a compelling argument for the validity and benefits of remote psychic readings. In a society where convenience and privacy are highly valued, the ability to connect with a medium from the comfort of one’s home is a significant advantage. Moreover, the assertion that remote readings can be as accurate as in-person sessions, if not more so due to fewer distractions and biases, is particularly enlightening. It is crucial to emphasize the importance of researching and choosing a reputable medium, but this piece certainly makes a strong case for the efficacy of digital psychic services.

  6. How ironic that in an age of advanced technology, we still cling to pseudoscientific practices like psychic readings. One can only hope that future innovations will instead foster critical thinking and scientific literacy.

  7. I find it highly dubious that a digital reading could match the accuracy of an in-person session. The article fails to address the nuances of human interaction and body language that are essential in psychic readings.

  8. The idea that remote readings could potentially lead to less biased sessions is intriguing. It’s good to know that technology can offer such flexibility and maintain the accuracy of psychic readings.

  9. The article rightly highlights the importance of researching the medium’s experience with remote readings. It’s reassuring to know that advancements in technology can provide accessible and potentially equally effective alternatives to traditional face-to-face sessions.

  10. The article presents a compelling case for the efficacy of remote psychic readings. It offers substantial advantages, such as reduced distractions and anonymity, which are invaluable for those seeking guidance without the constraints of physical presence.

  11. Ah, the joys of modern technology! Now you can get your future foretold without leaving the comfort of your couch. What’s next? A psychic app that can read your fortune through emojis?

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