Questions to Ask Your Psychic After a Breakup

Do you Need Advice on How to forget your Ex?

Although moving out of a relationship is hard, forgetting your ex is twice as difficult because we cannot stand seeing our future being unfulfilled.

If the breakup was one-sided, the other individual who has pulled away will not feel anything while the person who has been dumped will have all sorts of emotions from stress to anger to confusion.

Have you ever been in a situation where you ended a relationship with somebody because there was nothing you could do; you’ve run out of options and not because you hate that person but because you felt like you had no choice? No?  Let me inform you that you will feel bad and desperate. You will find it hard falling in love with someone else.

Individuals end relationships due to a number of reasons; cheating, misunderstandings and even if they’re moving from one city to another. Individuals end relationships on grounds that there is no longer love and that’s why people frequently find it hard forgetting the past, therefore, they run to psychics for advice.

Healing takes time and effort. For those who find it difficult to get over something for a long time there is nothing that can really be done to help ease the pain. Emily Grote, a Brooklyn based Psychic told someone that “Finding your way back to joy and happiness is an inside job”. She also advised that you need to do away with any psychic who tells you there are special services he or she offers that will help you get over your ex but at a price.

Regardless of that, individuals are still visiting psychics to help them solve relationship problems especially those from the past. When visiting a psychic do not let out information during your first meeting. This what Grote suggests for people to avoid being conned. Let the psychic tells you everything about them, from their name to how they look. If everything they describe is true, then you can consider taking the next step.

People often ask breakup questions according to psychics such as Tracey Brown such as questions such as, “was going our separate ways the right thing to do?” “Will we reunite?” “When will I be able to meet someone new?” “Was this individual the one?” Brown says these are not the right questions to ask, however, here are some things that you can if you want to forget your ex.

Why did you split up?

Grote suggests that you should ask your psychic why you and your partner broke up. Their answer will help you answer the most unanswered questions.  You will be able to have a more understanding of the break-up. If you thought that you two were just not meant to be, it can be hard to embrace that truth.

Did I learn anything from this individual and from our shared encounters?

Grote recommends that you should ask your psychic if there’s anything you benefited while in that relationship. There is a chance that you will recreate the same problems with somebody else if you can’t comprehend how and why you all got to where the breakup happened. The same things will hurt you all over again. There is no change that will be seen. Therefore, request your psychic to give you clarification on what you need to do onwards and the lessons you need to learn.

Will we get back together in the future?

According to Grote, this is a question that you definitely need to ask. This prepares you for what lies ahead. Do you need to be hopeful? Brown says that those who are heartbroken frequently ask him these question and when they do, he just reads the cards and tells them exactly what the cards say accompanied with the reasons why if he gets it by picking up on their energy.

You can ask your psychic if you’ll be together again in the future but be ready also to acknowledge the truth about anything that made your relationship not work. You have to acknowledge things the way they are for you to be able to move on.

What’s the best way to move on?

You shouldn’t pay attention to how you can win someone back since everyone has free will that needs to be respected. Brown suggests that if you want to get over someone then you need to feel the pain, cry it all out. Acknowledge all the feelings and feel them but don’t prolong it for too long because you may find it difficult to let go of that person.

You need to block them from communicating with you as well staying away from their social media pages. Anyone who wants to talk to you will find a way of doing so but leaving your inbox open means that you are still hopeful they will contact you someday which shouldn’t be the case.

Be around friends and undertake fun activities and this will help you overcome stress. However, after some time you need to stop thinking about your ex because thinking about them too long is unhealthy.

When will I meet my match?

According to Brown, foretelling the future is hard because individuals want to hear that they’ll meet their partner the following week. The right question to ask is, “when will I meet someone who will be good to me and love me the way I am? “After asking this question you should be patient.  You know somebody is meant to be in your life and that person will show up at the right time. Brown says that breaking up and getting back together can be avoided and even though you’ll experience hard times it will only last for a time. According to Brown, you can overcome difficulties with patience and self-love.

The Bottom Line

Grote says that this is a very difficult topic. Clients react to this topic differently but those who see the loss of a partner as a chance for learning are good to go.

Do not expect someone to be a source of your happiness. Embrace breakups positively and take time to heal. Remember, healing takes time and do not try to rush the process.


  1. Why on earth would anyone listen to psychics? This article is promoting pseudoscience. People need real psychological help, not unverifiable predictions.

  2. I find it rather amusing that people still resort to psychics for relationship advice in this day and age. It’s like seeking medical advice from a fortune cookie.

  3. This article is truly enlightening. It’s remarkable how it captures the essence of the emotional turmoil one goes through after a breakup. The advice given about consulting psychics is quite unique and worth pondering.

    • Indeed, the insights from psychics could be intriguing, though it’s essential to maintain a healthy level of skepticism.

  4. The suggestions for post-breakup self-care are practical and realistic. Blocking communication and social media can indeed help in the healing process, and these are steps everyone should consider.

  5. I appreciate the practical advice given on how to approach a psychic reading. It’s crucial to protect oneself from potential scams, and the tips provided are quite insightful in that regard.

  6. The article provides a thoughtful perspective on the emotional complexity of breakups. It underscores the importance of self-reflection and healing, which are valuable insights for anyone going through a separation.

  7. The article’s take on not relying on others for happiness is a critical lesson. Embracing breakups as opportunities for learning rather than failures can significantly change one’s outlook.

    • Absolutely. Personal happiness should come from within, and breakups can be instrumental in teaching us this important life lesson.

  8. The piece provides a significant amount of practical advice. From a psychological perspective, it accurately highlights the stages of grief and the importance of self-reflection post-breakup.

  9. This topic is multifaceted and anyone enduring a breakup should consider professional therapy rather than psychics. Although the advice about self-care and patience is solid, the reliance on psychic guidance is questionable.

    • I completely agree. Professional therapy offers evidence-based techniques to deal with emotional distress, unlike the subjective interpretations from psychics.

  10. The article brings up an important point about understanding the reasons behind a breakup and learning from the experience. This self-awareness can prevent repeating the same mistakes in future relationships.

    • Understanding the ‘why’ behind a breakup can be painful, but it’s necessary for moving on and achieving closure.

    • I agree. Self-reflection is crucial in personal growth and ensuring healthier relationships in the future.

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