Clairsentient or Telepathic, the Voices You Hear

Clairsentience and Telepathy

Clairsentients and hearing mediums are able to hear other individuals’ thoughts under the right environment and the right situations.

When used in communication with the spirit realm it is known as clairsentience, and when used with others in this realm it is known as telepathy.

If you can hear other individuals’ thoughts and think it’s intruding into your everyday life, you will need to clear your energy using either grounding mediation or protection mediation that you can learn about here or even by watching YouTube videos online.

The fact that you can hear sounds coming from another individual’s field does not mean you can control it but can control the way that it impacts you. It can be very distracting to hear other people’s thoughts. Therefore, it is important to learn how to block it so that you can turn it off when need be.

Clearing Meditation

If you do clearing meditations at least once a day you will be keeping the unnecessary voices away. If you keep hearing them from the same person or spirit and you don’t like this, then you should consider cutting ties with that person. This temporarily stops the connection you have with that individual. You will not be able to hear from them and won’t feel their energy, at least for a while.

Clearing meditation helps you to keep your mind chatter calm and to lessen the voices that you hear. You can do this by sitting in a quiet place for around 10-30 minutes and focus on your breathing. Allow your mind and your body to remain calm and make sure that you are allowing yourself a chance to relax and to get rid of the voices that you are hearing.

Your Gifting

You are not alone in this gifting and even if you aren’t quite sure, it is not bad to hear other individuals’. Those who have this gift are able to hear positive things about themselves and this is the best experience ever. It’s advisable also to have this ability before meeting new people as you will be able to see what they think about you.

First Impressions

Some people refer to them as first impressions. They are always not right because they have fear and this can block their impression from coming through clearly. Finally, it’s possible to sense an oncoming thought of someone in and around your energy field.


The problem with hear voices is that when it gets out of hand it can be distracting. Nevertheless, you can clear your mind to focus and there are positive impacts of it such as paying attention to the good things others think about you, knowing what someone’s emotions are that accompany these thoughts and if you are open, you can learn so much about different individuals. This is what clairsentience is and it is a sister to clairaudience. 


  1. This article is quite enlightening. It delves into the intricacies of clairsentience and telepathy with a comprehensive approach. The suggestions on grounding and clearing meditation are particularly useful for individuals who might be struggling with the overwhelming nature of hearing others’ thoughts.

    • I agree, Bambino. The practical advice on how to manage this rare gift is invaluable. It’s not just about understanding the phenomenon but also about learning to live harmoniously with it.

  2. The distinction between clairsentience and telepathy is quite intriguing. I find the emphasis on clearing meditation to manage the impact of hearing others’ thoughts very useful. It would be beneficial to have additional resources or studies linked for further exploration.

  3. The article provides a clear overview of how to manage clairsentient and telepathic experiences. The suggestion to perform daily clearing meditations is practical, but I wonder about the long-term effectiveness of these methods.

  4. What an intriguing notion! Imagine walking into a room and instantly knowing who’s thinking about you and what they’re thinking. Sort of like having a superpower, but with a lot more meditation and less of the cool costumes and crime-fighting. Still, I think I’d prefer my own silent thoughts, thank you very much.

  5. Oh, great! Now not only do I have to worry about my own thoughts, but I also have to deal with the possibility of someone eavesdropping on my brain. Fabulous! Grounding meditations, you say? I suppose next you’ll tell me to start wearing a tinfoil hat!

  6. The concept of hearing thoughts sounds like pseudo-science to me. How can anyone scientifically prove the existence of clairsentience or telepathy? It seems like a stretch. Until there is empirical evidence, I remain skeptical.

  7. For those of us who are logically inclined, this article provides some interesting food for thought. While the scientific community has yet to fully explore or validate these phenomena, the practical measures suggested for coping could be beneficial for mental well-being.

  8. The article offers an interesting perspective on clairsentience and telepathy. The recommendation to use grounding and protection meditations to manage the intrusion of others’ thoughts seems practical. However, I would like more scientific backing on these practices.

  9. The advice on using clearing meditation to control the distraction caused by hearing others’ thoughts is quite valuable. Nonetheless, some empirical evidence or scientific explanations would strengthen the credibility of these claims.

  10. It’s fascinating to read about clairsentience and telepathy in a structured manner. The tips for grounding and protection meditations are helpful, though I would appreciate more detailed guidance on how to practice these techniques effectively.

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