Predicting with Tarot Cards

Predicting with Tarot Cards

Tarot cards have always been known for predicting the future. Now more than ever though, people use tarot cards to find out who they are and to figure out problems that they are facing in life.

Fortune telling with tarot cards might seem like it is old school and a thing of the past, but the truth is tarot cards can be used just as much today to predict the future as they were used in the past.

There are different methods that different tarot card readers use to figure out what might happen in the future.

Predicting with Tarot Cards

There are no real rules when it comes to using tarot cards to predict the future. It is important that you listen to your intuition when doing a reading.

  • Position of the Cards

You need to decide which card or cards you are going to use when predicting the future. When you do a spread, there will be a card that is in the future or the outcome position such as with the Celtic Cross spread.

These cards can tell you what is going to happen in the future and if they are in this position, you can look at the card and interpret it. There are different ways that different people interpret a card and even if you have the cards set in a certain position you should do a reading that doesn’t hold you back to just the outcome or the future position.

There are cards that will interact with each other and when you are looking to predict the future or for the outcome you can look at how the cards fit together and use them all to predict what will happen. The cards should be combined.

Look at the cards that stand out to you and if you feel that a card is pulling you, use it as part of your prediction. Notice any cards that suggest something about the future and see what the cards are trying to tell you.

  • Using Suits

Now that you have your future or outcome position, look at the suits of the tarot cards suits. These suits can tell you about times, seasons and more. There are tarot suits that can be associated with seasons and so you need to pick ones that feel best to you. Here is what some interpretations look like:

    • Suit of Wands: Spring or summer.
    • Suit of Cups: Spring or summer.
    • Suit of Swords: Winter or fall.
    • Suit of Pentacles: Winter or fall.

Depending on which cards you feel a connection to, the summer or the spring could be opposite. You can look at the cards and the suits and you can decide which season is based on the suit that you feel is correct.

  • Using Numbers

The numbers that are found on the tarot cards can also be used to make predictions and the numbers can represent things such as:

      • Hours.
      • Days.
      • Weeks.
      • Months.
      • Years.

You will have to use your intuition and knowledge of the cards to see which one fits. If you are predicting something that you think is going to happen soon, you will know that using the years representation will be too far in the future. You might decide that this means days, weeks, or months instead.

Use your intuition and then see when your predictions come true. You should ask yourself “what is the timeframe of this happening” and see if you get a sensation.

  • Using Astrology

Tarot cards and astrology go hand in hand. The major arcana is often associated with planets and other astrological things and the minor arcana is associated with planets and astrological things as well.

You can use astrology if you feel that it is a key idea to predicting the outcome of something with your cards. Here are some cards that often work with astrology:

    • The Fool: Uranus.
    • The Magician: Mercury.
    • The High Priestess: The Moon.
    • The Empress: Venus.
    • The Tower: Mars.
    • The World: Saturn.
    • Judgement: Pluto.
    • The Sun: Sun.
    • The Star: Aquarius.
    • The Moon: Pisces.
    • The Emperor: Aries.
    • The Hierophant: Taurus.
    • The Lovers: Gemini.
    • The Chariot: Cancer.
    • Strength: Leo.
    • The Hermit: Virgo.
    • The Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter.
    • Justice: Libra.
    • The Hanged Man: Neptune.
    • Death: Scorpio.
    • Temperance: Sagittarius.
    • The Devil: Capricorn.

For the minor arcana:

    • 2 of Wands: Mars in Aries.
    • 3 of Wands: Sun in Aries.
    • 4 of Wands: Venus in Aries.
    • 5 of Wands: Saturn in Leo.
    • 6 of Wands: Jupiter in Leo.
    • 7 of Wands: Mars in Leo.
    • 8 of Wands: Mercury in Sagittarius.
    • 9 of Wands: Moon in Sagittarius.
    • 10 of Wands: Saturn in Sagittarius.
    • 2 of Cups: Venus in Cancer.
    • 3 of Cups: Mercury in Cancer.
    • 4 of Cups: Moon in Cancer.
    • 5 of Cups: Mars in Scorpio.
    • 6 of Cups: Sun in Scorpio.
    • 7 of Cups: Venus in Scorpio.
    • 8 of Cups: Saturn in Pisces.
    • 9 of Cups: Jupiter in Pisces.
    • 10 of Cups: Mars in Pisces.
    • 2 of Swords: Moon in Libra.
    • 3 of Swords: Saturn in Libra.
    • 4 of Swords: Jupiter in Libra.
    • 5 of Swords: Venus in Aquarius.
    • 6 of Swords: Mercury in Aquarius.
    • 7 of Swords: Moon in Aquarius.
    • 8 of Swords: Jupiter in Gemini.
    • 9 of Swords: Mars in Gemini.
    • 10 of Swords: Sun in Gemini.
    • 2 of Pentacles: Jupiter in Capricorn.
    • 3 of Pentacles: Mars in Capricorn.
    • 4 of Pentacles: Sun in Capricorn.
    • 5 of Pentacles: Mercury in Taurus.
    • 6 of Pentacles: Moon in Taurus.
    • 7 of Pentacles: Saturn in Taurus.
    • 8 of Pentacles: Sun in Virgo.
    • 9 of Pentacles: Venus in Virgo.
    • 10 of Pentacles: Mercury in Virgo.
  • Aces and Court Cards

The aces and court cards represent the elements of fire, earth, air, and water and so they can be very helpful in predicting the future. The Court cards are able to be personified and they aren’t as effective as other cards for predictions.

  • Pages of the Elements
    • Page of Cups: Water.
    • Page of Wands: Fire.
    • Page of Swords: Air.
    • Page of Pentacles: Earth.
  • Court Cards
    • Knight of Wands: Sagittarius.
    • Knight of Cups: Pisces.
    • Knight of Swords: Gemini.
    • Knight of Pentacles: Virgo.
    • Queen of Wands: Aries.
    • Queen of Cups: Cancer.
    • Queen of Swords: Libra.
    • Queen of Pentacles: Capricorn.
    • King of Wands: Leo.
    • King of Cups: Scorpio.
    • King of Swords: Aquarius.
    • King of Pentacles: Virgo.
  • Using Tarot and Astrology for Predictions

You can use the times in astrology to figure out when something might happen. If you pick the 2 of Wands, for example, you might use the 2 to predict the time something will happen, and you can use the Wands to know that Mars is in Aries.

If you pick the Death card, you might feel that Scorpio is when something will come true. Listen to your intuition when you are making astrological predictions. The seasons can also be associated with the court cards.

You might pick the King of Swords, and this can tell you that the situation might happen in the season of Aquarius. There are different planets, and you have to take into consideration natal charts, planets, retrogrades with each and every planet.

  • Using Your Intuition

Remember, there aren’t any real rules when it comes to using tarot to predict the future and the biggest thing is to use your intuition. Learn to trust yourself and let your intuition guide you. When you make predictions based on astrology keep the tarot reference book close to you and this will help you because the signs do change and go into retrograde.

Never worry about getting something wrong and have confidence that you will be both wrong and right at times. Don’t let giving a wrong prediction make you feel that you aren’t good at tarot card readings. Everyone needs to practice to get good at things so don’t ever give up!


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