Asking Good Tarot Card Questions

Tarot Card Questions

Tarot cards aren’t a magical tool that will tell someone everything about their life and what’s going to happen in the future, but they can give good information. Of course, relying too much on the tarot cards for answer can turn people off to psychic readings because they might not be as accurate due to the questions that are asked.

Tarot cards can give you helpful guidance and understanding on what’s going on in your life but there are some things that you shouldn’t ask about the cards.

Here are some things not to ask the tarot cards:

  • About Other People

Don’t ask questions about other people but ask questions about yourself. The tarot cards aren’t going to go into the private lives of other people to give you answers. When you talk to the tarot cards about what you want to know, focus on yourself. Tarot isn’t about predicting the future for other people when you want to know what’s going to happen to them.

  • Winning the Lottery

Tarot also isn’t going to focus on things like winning the lottery or other games of chance. When you get a reading, it’s best to not ever ask if you can get the winning lottery numbers or if you’re going to get lucky and win the lottery. Focus instead on how you can better your own life to make and reach your own goals.

  • What Other People Are Feeling

Instead of asking what other people are feeling about you or what they are feeling at all, focus on yourself. Ask questions like, “How can I better my relationships?” or “What do I need to do to improve my life?” These kinds of questions help you to think about what you can do to make your life better instead of focusing on someone else.

  • About Death

Instead of focusing on when you’re going to die, focus on what you can do to live your best life. Focus on what the future holds for you and what you can do to have the best life each step that you take towards the end.

  • Who Is My Soulmate?

Tarot readings can remind you that the past, present and the future are all connected. It’s not about predicting what or who you’re going to meet in the future but its about understanding how everyone that you meet, and all of your experiences shape your present and your future.

  • Health Questions

Don’t focus on asking questions about your health or asking tarot to give you a diagnosis. It isn’t up to the cards to focus on what is going on inside of your body, but it is up to your health care professional to give you a real diagnosis. You can find out about your health by going to a doctor and letting them test you.

Another thing to not focus on is if your partner or someone that you love is sick and if they will get well or not. You should focus more on how you can help take care of them while they are going through this battle.

  • Should I Questions

Questions that ask, “Should I” are not good questions for tarot cards. These are questions that you need to focus on, the positives and negatives and then make a decision. Figure out how the change will affect you in your life and if it is worth taking the risks.

  • Vague Questions

When you ask questions during a tarot reading, it’s important to be clear and specific. Vague questions don’t give helpful answers. Instead of asking things like, “Where will I meet my soulmate?” you could ask, “What qualities should I look for in a partner?” This way, you’re focusing on what’s important to you instead of trying to predict specific things.

  • Unethical Questions

Make sure that when you’re getting a reading that you ask ethical questions. Don’t ask questions that bring up harmful ideas or ones that aren’t fair or understanding. Ethical questions should never be about someone else and so you should never ask questions based on what someone else is doing or what someone else is feeling.

  • Court Cases

When it comes to asking tarot cards questions about if you’ll win a court case, it won’t help you. The judge is the one that makes the final decision, and no matter what the tarot cards says it won’t change that. Instead, focus on asking if you’re on the right track for the future.

Asking Great Tarot Questions

In any psychic reading, there are positive and negative questions. Positive ones empower you to improve your life. These aren’t just yes or no questions but they’re open-ended ones that focus on what you and the things that you want. They remind you that the choices that you make can shape your destiny.

Asking Questions for Tarot Readings

When you ask tarot questions, focus on y our own life and how you can make it better. Ask about reaching your goals and what changes you need to make to do that. How you ask the question is important. Here are some good examples to ask positive questions:

  • How can I reach my goals?
  • What do I need to change to improve myself?
  • What’s stopping me from getting what I want?
  • What do I need to change to live my best life?

Asking time-related questions can help to answer your questions for things that you are curious about within the next year or so. Be careful not to ask your question too far ahead or your decision might change with time.

Final Thoughts

Tarot card readings can help you to live your best life but asking the right question can help with this. Look at the readings that you are going to get and prepare for them. Write down your questions and come into the reading with an open mind and an open heart. Focus on your own path and not the path of others.

Be clear and empowered in your questions to help you to be on the right path no matter what the future holds for you!


  1. This article provides an insightful and balanced perspective on the use of tarot cards. It’s refreshing to see an emphasis on self-reflection and personal growth rather than using tarot as a predictive tool. Focusing on ethical and constructive questions can truly help individuals gain clarity and direction in their lives. Excellent read!

  2. This article should be retitled, ‘Tarot Cards: The Gentle Art of Asking Pointless Questions.’ Seriously, what’s left to ask after ruling out anything actually interesting or relevant?

  3. The perspective offered in this article about the use of tarot cards is refreshingly rational and grounded. While some may view tarot as a mystical conduit for absolute truths, this piece rightly emphasizes the importance of setting realistic expectations. Asking tarot cards about deeply personal or future-bound topics (such as health or court cases) is not only unproductive but also ethically dubious. Instead, self-reflective inquiries that guide personal growth resonate more with the true essence of tarot as a tool for introspection. However, the article could delve deeper into how to frame these self-focused questions to maximize the benefits of a reading.

  4. The article provides a thorough guide on the dos and don’ts of tarot questioning. Such specific and clear advice can really help individuals get the most out of their readings. Excellent resource!

  5. This article offers a comprehensive and nuanced perspective on how to ask effective questions during a tarot reading. It rightly highlights that the focus should be on self-improvement rather than seeking definitive answers about others or unpredictable events like lottery numbers. The emphasis on ethical questioning and the appropriateness of open-ended questions serve as a valuable guide for anyone looking to gain meaningful insights from their tarot experience.

  6. Oh great, another guide on how NOT to use tarot cards. What’s the point of consulting them if you can’t even ask what you really want to know? Maybe we should ask the cards how they feel about being so limited.

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