The Truth About Smudging


Smudging is something that has been around for many years and is part of different cultures. Some people are nervous about smudging in their home, but this practice is something that can help to cleanse negativity out of your space and your body.

Native Americans

Some people believe that only Native Americans have used smudging. This isn’t true. Even though burning sage is a tradition in the Native American culture, many other cultures and religions have used it.

Catholics, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam and other religions have used sage burning in order to get rid of evil spirits and to get rid of negativity.

Smudging and Religion

Even though Native Americans are some of the first to sage, there are other religions that have used it for things other than getting rid of energy. Some use sage as a pesticide and to preserve food and animal hides.

Ceremonial Sage Burning

Smudging has been used in different rituals but that isn’t the only things that sage burning has been used for. This has been used to clean hands before meals and to represent the elements of the earth, fire, air and water. The smoke represents the air element.

Professional Smudging

Many people, even professional people use smudging. Some people that work in real estate use smudging when they are posting a home on the market.

Science and Smudging

Science has shown that smudging can help to increase the health of people. It can help to increase oxygen and it can get rid of stress and anxiety.

Other Reasons for Smudging

Here are some of the reasons that people choose to smudge:

  • It helps with depression.
  • Effects serotonin levels.
  • Works similar to antidepressant.
  • Repels bugs: Can use the acid in the smoke to get rid of flying insects.
  • Sleeping: Smudging can help with sleep by getting rid of negative ions.
  • Bacterial cleansing: Smudging can get rid of bacteria in the air.
  • Purify the air.
  • Disinfect the area.
  • Make the area cleaner.


  1. The scientific benefits of smudging mentioned are noteworthy. I wonder if the positive effects on health, such as reducing stress and improving air quality, have been extensively studied in clinical settings.

  2. The integration of smudging into professional practices, like real estate, is an interesting development. It shows how traditional practices are being adapted for modern uses.

    • Indeed, it highlights the versatility of smudging and how it can be relevant in contemporary professional environments.

  3. It’s fascinating to learn about the various uses of sage beyond its ceremonial role. The fact that it can serve as a pesticide and a method for preserving food is particularly intriguing.

  4. It is fascinating to see how smudging transcends cultural and religious boundaries, highlighting a shared human practice of using natural resources for purification and spiritual purposes. The scientific benefits, such as increased oxygen levels and reduced stress, underscore the interconnectedness of ancient traditions and modern health practices. It is also noteworthy that smudging’s applications extend beyond spiritual rituals into practical uses like insect repellent and air purification. This broad spectrum of benefits suggests a deep-rooted wisdom in these practices that modern science is only beginning to understand.

  5. The historical context provided in the article is quite compelling. I had no idea that smudging had such a wide range of applications across different cultures and religions.

  6. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the many reasons people smudge. From mental health benefits to practical uses like bug repelling, it’s clear that this practice has multifaceted benefits.

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