What Are I Ching Psychics?

What Are I Ching Psychics?

The I Ching, pronounced “ee ching”, is also known as the Book of Changes, which is an ancient Chinese text. I Ching is thought to date back as far as 3000 to 2000 BCE, which likely makes it the oldest method in the world of divination and guidance from the spiritual realm. I Ching has long been consulted as an oracle for predicting the future. The method is just as profound and useful today as it was at the time it was developed.

The I Ching is made up of 64 possible combinations of hexagrams, which are six-line symbols imprinted on small tokens, most typically coins. Each line is either broken, which represents yin, or unbroken, which represents yang. Every one of the hexagrams stands for a number. Each number has its own unique meaning.

During the session, the client, or “querent,” will focus their thoughts on a question or situation, while the I Ching psychic tosses the tokens several times. The psychic then interprets the messages that were communicated on the tokens through the combinations of hexagrams.

Questions to Ask I Ching Psychics

The best questions to ask a psychic during an I Ching reading are the more open-ended and general type, rather than questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” The questions you could ask include, but are not limited to:

  • What should I focus on to maximize my personal potential?
  • How can I change my relationships with my children for the better?
  • Why do I struggle to connect with my partner, and what can I do about that?
  • What does the spiritual realm desire for me to know about?
  • How does my potential love interest feel towards me?

When to Set Up an I Ching Reading with a Psychic

I Ching readings are so special because of their simplistic nature and their long and storied history. Because of its ancient roots, the method delivers a sense of profound insight and wisdom from the very origins of the spiritual realm. If you’re seeking answers and want to feel safe, balanced, calm, and divinely guided, you should schedule a session with a psychic for an I Ching reading.

Preparing for an I Ching Psychic Reading

As with any other psychic reading, try to be in a relaxed mental, emotional, and physical state, which will clear your energy field and allow the psychic to easily connect with your personal energy frequency. Spend a few moments before your session centering yourself and meditating on the questions that you’d like answers to.

Focus on taking controlled, deep, full breaths, which will slow down your brain waves and your heart rate. This will further assist the psychic as they connect with you. During your reading, focus on just one issue at a time, so the hexagram combinations can address each concern in the best way possible.

Learn more about I Ching psychic readings and other fortune telling methods right now at PsychicOz.com!


  1. The long history of the I Ching and its continued relevance is quite impressive. The method’s simplicity combined with its depth of wisdom is what makes it unique.

  2. The preparation tips for an I Ching reading make a lot of sense. Being in a relaxed state can certainly help in connecting more deeply with the process and the psychic.

  3. The idea of using hexagrams to derive meaning seems both complex and intriguing. I’d be interested in learning more about how each hexagram’s unique meaning is interpreted during a reading.

  4. I appreciate the emphasis on open-ended questions for an I Ching reading. It seems like a great way to gain more nuanced and detailed insights rather than just straightforward answers.

  5. Oh, I’m sure tossing coins and interpreting their ‘messages’ will solve all my life’s problems. Next time, I’ll consult my magic eight ball for stock market tips. 🙄

  6. Fascinating how the I Ching employs a binary system—yin and yang, broken and unbroken lines—much like early computational methods. It’s a captivating intersection of ancient wisdom and modern technology.

  7. The I Ching sounds like an extraordinary tool for introspection and guidance. Its ancient origins only add to its credibility and mystique. I think integrating such timeless wisdom into our modern lives could be profoundly beneficial.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Jet. There’s something both humbling and empowering about consulting a method that has stood the test of time for millennia.

  8. The historical significance of the I Ching is truly fascinating. It’s remarkable how such ancient practices can still offer guidance and insight in the modern world.

  9. While the historical value of the I Ching is undeniable, we must be cautious about attributing too much credibility to ancient methods in our quest for knowledge. Critical thinking mustn’t be sacrificed at the altar of tradition.

  10. This article would be better suited for a fantasy novel rather than a serious discussion. Consulting coins to predict the future? Seriously? Let’s leave the mysticism in the past where it belongs.

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