Using Affirmation Decks to Make Life Positive

Using Affirmation Decks

There are times of difficulty in life when we feel the need for inspiration, kindness, or a simple reminder that we are cared for and supported by someone. People choose to get this in different ways. Some may call a friend; others may visit a psychic. Ultimately, what we are all looking for is a bit of support during a trying time.

There are other times in life when we are more focused on attracting something into our lives for the better. Perhaps a new relationship or a career change is on the horizon, or we are excited about a new project prospect. We may even be trying to heal from past issues or traumas and need a bit of help. Each of these types of experiences can be challenging, but also positive. To offer a bit of extra help, we can turn to an affirmation deck.

For Inspiration

So that affirmation decks can clearly be discussed, we must first define affirmation. Affirmations are statements, typically written out or made to oneself, that can be used now to create or release something good in the future. Affirming something in the present is important in the overall process to help bring things forth in the future.

An affirmation is not a hope, like, “I hope I have a better job in the future,” but a positive like “I have a wonderful job that I love and that pays well”. These affirmations help attract what you want. It should be noted that affirmations do not make things happen immediately, but simply plant the seeds and water it through repetition. As we continue to focus on the dream, we move closer to it.

Creating Affirmations

We can create our own affirmations to create unique experiences. Write out your affirmation on a card and place a few around areas of your home. This can be effective, but cards are rarely decorative in nature, which is where an affirmation deck comes into play.

Finding Affirmation Cards

Affirmation decks can be found online or in bookstore with tarot cards. Some are highly specific, but general decks are also available. Once you have found the right deck for you, there is really no incorrect way to use them.

Some people use a specific card or two in a specific area and keep it near them as a reminder. Others may lay out several cards and ask the universe to point them in a specific direction. The two or three that draw your attention can be the focus for the week or month. The deck is a reminder to stay positive and not let negative feelings rule in life.

An affirmation deck you enjoy is like having a friend that is there for you at all times. This is a personal gift we can give to ourselves. If none of the decks you find seem right, create your own with decorations and favorite affirmations that you love.


  1. The idea of using affirmation decks to foster positive thinking and goal setting is quite intriguing. It seems like an accessible tool for anyone seeking support and motivation.

  2. Affirmation decks appear to offer a structured method for maintaining a positive outlook. I am curious about the psychological principles behind their effectiveness.

    • Indeed, positive affirmations have roots in cognitive-behavioral theories, suggesting that repeated positive statements can help reshape thought patterns over time.

  3. Ah yes, because when life gets tough, the best solution is to shuffle some fancy cards and hope they’ll magically fix everything. It’s amusing how such ideas persist. Maybe next time I’ll try reading tea leaves to find my dream job.

  4. The section on finding and using affirmation decks is quite practical. However, I wonder about the long-term commitment and consistency required for these tools to be truly effective.

    • Consistency and habit formation are indeed crucial. Like any self-improvement tool, the key lies in regular practice and genuine engagement.

    • Long-term usage could indeed be a challenge, but integrating these affirmations into daily routines might help in maintaining consistency.

  5. This article provides an insightful explanation of how affirmations work and the role of affirmation decks. For anyone looking to delve deeper into this practice, consider exploring the psychological concept of ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ which aligns nicely with the ideas discussed here. Affirmations can indeed be a powerful tool when used correctly.

  6. So, affirmation decks are supposed to be our modern-day saviors? What a comical twist! Why work hard or make strategic decisions when you can just pull a card that tells you everything will be okay? Truly, where can I buy this magical deck that solves all my problems with a sprinkle of positivity?

  7. This article is a breath of fresh air in a world constantly filled with negativity. It’s heartening to see practical advice on how to bring positive affirmations into our daily routines. I’ve always believed in the power of words, and affirmation decks seem like a beautiful and tangible way to manifest our dreams. Thank you for this inspiring piece!

  8. Affirmations as a concept date back to early self-help movements, but incorporating them into daily routines through a deck adds a tangible and perhaps decorative element that some might find beneficial.

  9. It’s interesting how the article emphasizes creating personal affirmation cards if existing ones don’t resonate. This approach could add a more meaningful and individualized touch to the practice.

  10. I can’t help but roll my eyes at the notion of affirmation decks. The concept of laying out cards and expecting the universe to guide you sounds more like wishful thinking than a practical approach to life’s challenges. While positive thinking is beneficial, let’s not forget the importance of taking concrete actions over relying on cards.

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