Lucid Dreams About Sex and Relationships

Lucid Dreams About Sex

The top reason people want to learn about lucid dreaming, is sex. When you better understand dream control, then you are able to fulfill your fantasies in any form. These dream fantasies are typically just as vivid and tangible then as if it were happening in the waking hours. The only other topic that is just as sought after in lucid dreaming is the ability to fly.

Is Lucid Dreaming about Sex Possible?

Though lucid sex dreams are entirely possible, it can be tough to initiate sex during a dream state. This is because the unconscious mind often has a very different agenda than that of the waking. It may be that you create a perfect person in your mind, but in reality, they have no interest in you. This could lead them to not see you at all in the dream world. Then, at other times, the lucid dream sex may be working, but you get so involved that you wake up. This is especially problematic for those just learning.

Dream figures tend to be unconscious projections of our psyche. This means their mission may not be intimacy, but other dream figures may not show drive or agenda. If you find what truly motivates a dream figure, then more lucid sex dreams are possible. This is done by establishing a shared intimate, not sexual, experience at first.

As a general rule, it is best to establish relationships with everyone in lucid dreaming at first. These are often representations of our inner-selves, which gives them meaning and requires respect. If dream figures are treated as worthless or abused, then there will be consequences. This is because you are basically taking advantage of part of yourself, and this is unhealthy.

Lucid Dream Orgasms

If we make the assumption that you have achieved full intercourse in a lucid dream, then studies show orgasms can be real. This includes increased heart rate and in males, ejaculation. However, at times this is all in the mind, but this does not diminish the feeling for the dreamer.

For many just beginning the practice of lucid dreaming, it can be tough to hold onto lucidity until that moment. This is because as arousal increases, the dreamer often awakens. This can correct itself over time, but it also lends to the importance of exploring the dream world without an initial focus on sex.

Start by learning more about lucid dreaming and stabilizing your dreams. Then as you improve, move onto more physical adventures.

Ethical Issues

Some may wonder if lucid sexual dreams are a form of cheating or a bit unethical if the person in the dream is not someone who has an interest in you. This is a personal decision. It is only dreaming after all, but the emotion and arousal are yours to contend with as you dream.

One area of concern is being attracted to someone in your life and then dreaming about an interaction. This could lead to a stronger attraction during waking hours. This is because lucid dreaming can be as intense as waking physical interactions. This is something to consider before taking part in lucid dreaming.

Just like when we dream in the normal manner, the unconscious can produce some odd scenarios that we do not expect. So, if something goes awry in the dream, do not blame yourself. This is normal and nothing to be concerned about.


Even though many people learn about lucid dreaming only for the sexual aspects, it will only be a small part of what is actually discovered. While it is fine to seek out gratification of a sexual nature in these dreams, try other avenues of lucid dreaming as well. You may enjoy the overall experience of the dreaming state.

Uncover The Meaning Behind Your Dreams & Nightmares by Speaking to a Dream Interpreter!


  1. The article presents a noteworthy overview of lucid dreaming with particular emphasis on sexual experiences. However, it could benefit from discussing the neurological underpinnings or the psychological benefits beyond the physical pleasures described.

  2. This is absurd! Reducing the complex phenomenon of lucid dreaming to mere sexual fantasies is superficial. There are far more profound elements to explore within the dream world that can contribute to personal growth and understanding.

  3. The ethical considerations highlighted in the article are thought-provoking. The idea that dreaming about someone could intensify real-life attractions certainly warrants careful reflection before engaging in such practices.

  4. The notion of using lucid dreaming for sexual fantasies is fascinating and somewhat controversial. It raises interesting questions about ethical boundaries within the realm of dreams, especially considering the projections involved are aspects of one’s psyche.

  5. Really? Out of everything lucid dreaming offers, people are focused on sex? That’s rich. Maybe we should be teaching Dream Ethics 101 before people get too carried away.

  6. This piece underscores the importance of establishing respectful relationships with dream figures, which are extensions of our inner selves. This approach aligns well with maintaining a healthy psychological state while exploring lucid dreams.

  7. This piece makes a compelling case for the importance of understanding one’s ethical boundaries even in dreams. The notion that our dream figures are aspects of our psyche deserving respect is an insightful take.

  8. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the complexities associated with lucid dreaming and sexual fantasies. It’s intriguing to think about the potential for real physical responses, such as increased heart rate and ejaculation, even though the mind is the primary driver.

  9. Fascinating article! It’s intriguing to see how lucid dreaming can offer such vivid experiences, including sexual ones. However, I appreciate the emphasis on exploring other aspects of dreaming first. It lends a balanced perspective to the practice.

  10. While many are drawn to lucid dreaming for the sexual aspect, it’s beneficial to explore other dimensions as well. The diverse experiences offered by lucid dreaming can provide unique insights and a richer understanding of one’s subconscious.

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