Using Lucky Charms for Feng Shui to Bring Luck

Using Lucky Charms for Feng Shui

Feng Shui is something that allows you to be nurtured and to be prosperous. This allows you to have positive energy coming into your life. The idea of Feng Shui has to do with Chinese cultures, and it can be a good luck charm that can make your life better.

It is important to know about these good luck charms so that you can keep them close to you and have better energies surrounding you.


Oranges are part of the yang energy which is bright and exciting. This is like seeing the sun and can make you feel energized and happy. Oranges are used to clear out negative energy and to bring joy and peace to your life. If you want to have a peaceful life and good energy, paint your home the color orange. You can also use a scent to make the house smell good.

Oranges are shaped like coins that are gold and you can use them as a sign of abundance in your home or you can eat a fresh orange to have good energy. Wear things that have the color orange on them to bring luck to your being.

Red Envelopes

Getting a red envelope in the Chinese culture means that you are getting a gift of money. This can happen during the Lunar New Year and other Chinese holidays.

The color red is one of the yang colors and it means energy of life. This is a color that is part of the fire element and can mean passion and luck.

Double Happiness Symbol

This symbols are a Chinese symbol that means that your joy will be doubled. This is used when there are weddings or if someone invites you over. This can be covered in the color red and can bring joy and peace in your life.

Chinese Zodiac Animals

You probably know the 12 Chinese zodiac animals and you might know which animal has to do with your birth year. This means that they are in a certain order and that they are there to represent balance in your life.

A person with a different animal zodiac will have a different personality than you do unless you share the same animal.

Chinese Zodiac Friends

If you know what Chinese zodiac animal that you are, you can figure out what animal your best friend is. They might be a pig, snake, monkey, horse, tiger, rat, or ox. Find out what your best friend is, and this can increase your luck.

You can also find out which animal is connected to the year that you are in and have this symbol around you so that you can bring luck to your life.

Ten Coins of the Emperors

The Coins of the Ten Emperors are a symbol of the Qin Dynasty and the reserves. This can mean wealth and fairness in your life. If you find this coin, you can put it in your office at work or your home and you will have better luck in your job.


The dragon is important in the Asian culture, and it can mean luck and happiness. Some dragons can even bring rain when a harvest is needed.

Eternal Knot

There are different kinds of knots in different cultures and in Buddhism, the knot can mean a symbol of compassion and wisdom. In Chinese, this means life and love and good luck.


  1. Fascinating read! The way Feng Shui interweaves colors, symbols, and even fruits to enhance life energy is truly captivating. I’ve always been intrigued by how much cultural significance is embedded into everyday objects.

  2. Oh great, now we’re supposed to believe that oranges and red envelopes are going to magically improve our lives? This sounds like a bunch of pseudoscientific nonsense wrapped in cultural clichés.

  3. The breakdown of Feng Shui elements such as yang energy, Chinese zodiac animals, and symbols like the Double Happiness Symbol is quite informative. It would be advantageous to delve into the philosophical underpinnings of Feng Shui to provide a more comprehensive perspective.

  4. The article provides a concise overview of several Feng Shui symbols and their significance. I appreciate the inclusion of practical tips, such as painting your home orange or using the scent of oranges to enhance positive energy. These suggestions make the concept of Feng Shui more accessible to those unfamiliar with it.

  5. The depth of significance attributed to various elements of Feng Shui is truly fascinating. Especially, the association of oranges with yang energy and prosperity resonates profoundly. The cultural richness and the meticulous symbolism are a testament to the profound wisdom inherent in ancient Chinese traditions. Integrating such practices into one’s life can indeed usher in positivity and balance. A beautifully written piece!

  6. While the piece is well-written and informative, it would be great to have insights into how Feng Shui is applied in contemporary settings outside of Chinese culture. A global perspective could add additional layers of interest to the discussion.

  7. The article does a good job of explaining the cultural significance of Feng Shui elements, but it oversimplifies the intricate philosophies behind these practices. A deeper dive into the historical context would have been more enlightening.

  8. Are you seriously suggesting that painting my house orange will make me happier or that carrying coins will make me wealthier? It’s amusing how people cling to these outdated superstitions. Next, we should probably start sacrificing goats for better Wi-Fi.

  9. The article covers a wide array of Feng Shui symbols and their meanings efficiently. However, I would suggest including some scientific perspectives or modern interpretations to balance the traditional views presented.

  10. It is interesting to see how deeply rooted Feng Shui is in Chinese culture and how various symbols like oranges and red envelopes play a role in bringing good energy and luck. It would be beneficial to include some historical context to further understand the origins of these practices.

  11. I tried wearing orange to bring good luck and guess what? I just ended up looking like a walking traffic cone. Thanks for nothing, Feng Shui!

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