Clairsentient or Empath?

Clairsentient or Empath

Most people have heard the term empath, but many don’t know what a clairsentient is. An empath is someone that tunes into their feelings and a clairsentient has the same gift, but they also are able to get information without anyone telling them.

Being an Empath

An empath is different than having empathy. Empathy means that you feel compassion for others, but an empath feels the feelings that other people have. A persons emotions will be picked up from the environment and from other people.  These emotions are shared with the person having them and the empath.

Being a Clairsentient

Clairsentients are normally empaths. They are able to know what someone is feeling, and they are sensitive, but they are also able to pick up what others felt in the past.  A clairsentient might get a vision on what they see about the past while an empath will not feel this.

Clairsentient or Empath?

An empath will know that other people are having emotions and feelings. They will also be able to feel what someone else is feeling. They can even pick up sickness that they feel in their body.

The difference between being a clairsentient and an empath is that the clairsentient is able to pick up on other information as well. They are able to be sensitive and feel emotions, but they are also able to read into a persons past, present and future.


Here are some things that make a person an empath:

  • Strong emotions.
  • Feelings that become physical.
  • Compassion for others.
  • Have a hard time being in large crowds.
  • Love nature and animals.
  • Pick up the emotions of objects and animals.


Here are some things that make a person a clairsentient:

  • Strong emotions.
  • Have physical feelings.
  • Love and compassion for others.
  • Are able to get information without being told.
  • Can read into the past, present, and future of a person.
  • Able to pick up emotions and feelings of objects, people, and animals.