Caring for Your Chakras, One Chakra at a Time

Caring for Your Chakras

There are times in life when it is difficult to concentrate, and you somehow feel as if you are being held back. You may get overwhelmed by life with your body feeling heavy. The chakras are being effected when this feeling comes across your energy field.

A chakra is a term that is taken from Eastern metaphysical theories based in Ayurvedic Indian medicine. There are seven chakras which are the seven spiritual centers for your body. These wheels of energy communicate with the body during physical, emotional, and mental states. When we get stressed, these chakras get clogged up with unwanted or negative energies. This leaves you feeling foggy, tired, run down, and often overly emotional.

When these feelings occur, it is best to clear out the unwanted energies so the chakras can function at top level again. There are three basic ways to clear out a chakra, but we must first understand how to know if a chakra is blocked:

What Created Your Issue?

If you can determine what life patterns caused your issue in the first place, then you can take back control of the state of your chakras. Think about the area of life in which you feel stuck or the points during a normal day when you feel overwhelmed. Make sure to note whether you are alone or with others at this time and where you are, home or work or even somewhere else. Take time to meditate so you gain a clear perspective on the issues you are facing.

Line Up the Specific Chakras

Once you have meditated over the cause that has triggered you, link it to the corresponding chakras. Here are the chakras and how they are affected:

Sacral – This chakra is affected by issues around money, sex, power in relationships, and creativity with the color orange associated.

Heart – Associated with either pink or green, this chakra is affected by self-worth, lack of love, self-love, and heartache issues.

Root – This chakra is most clogged by issues of security, family, self-identity, and stability with a red association.

Throat – The throat chakra is negatively affected by issues with a lack of discernment, individuality, blocked expression, and self-expression with blue as an associated color.

Solar – Associated with yellow as a color, this chakra can be affected by issues around power and the world, feelings of helplessness and victimization, or even your perspective on helping the world.

Crown – When the crown chakra is blocked it is usually due to issues with life purpose, your relationship with the divine, and a lack of inspiration, commonly associated with the color violet.

Third Eye – The third eye is associated with the color of indigo and is negatively affected by issues around truth, intellect, or even difficulty with intuition.

Clearing Chakras

After you have determined which chakra or chakras are blocked or clouded, you must work to cleanse them. This is often done through mindfulness or meditation that is practiced daily. This is simple and does not take much time but can make a huge difference in your overall health.


  1. The explanation of how different chakras are linked to various life issues is very intriguing. It makes one consider the holistic view of health and well-being.

  2. Oh great, another pseudoscientific piece on chakras. I understand the need to feel more in control of one’s life, but attributing it to ‘blocked chakras’ sounds like a way to avoid real medical advice or counseling. Let’s stick to what we can actually measure and scientifically prove, shall we?

  3. Absolutely fascinating! The connection between our emotional states and chakras is something that Western medicine often overlooks. This article does an excellent job at explaining how balancing our chakras can help improve our overall well-being. I’m definitely going to try some of these techniques.

  4. The connection between stress and chakra blockages is an interesting perspective. It’s useful to see how mindfulness and meditation are suggested as practical solutions.

  5. Oh, sure! My chakras are probably more clogged than my kitchen sink! So now we’re supposed to meditate to unclog our ‘energy fields’? Maybe I should call a chakra plumber while I’m at it. 😂

  6. The idea of linking problems to specific chakras and then addressing them through meditation seems like an organized approach to managing stress and emotions.

  7. The descriptions of each chakra and their related issues provide a clear framework for understanding where emotional and physical discomfort might stem from.

  8. This makes a lot of sense if you think about it. We often ignore the fact that our emotional and mental states impact our physical health. The idea of ‘clogged chakras’ may sound mystical, but it’s essentially talking about dealing with stress and emotional baggage. Kudos to the writer for shedding light on this holistic approach.

  9. The seven chakras concept has deep roots in Ayurvedic medicine and Eastern metaphysical theories. By aligning one’s energy centers through mindfulness and meditation, individuals often experience a more balanced and harmonious state of being. This practice aligns with holistic health approaches, emphasizing both physical and mental wellness.

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