How to Attract Money with Manifestation

Attract Money with Manifestation

Do you want to manifest money to your life? You can use the Law of Attraction to increase your energy, be positive and to attract things to your life. The Law of Attraction isn’t just about money, but you can use it for any aspect that you need something. The Law of Attraction can work for relationships, jobs, and money.

If you need money, you need to make sure that you have a positive mindset on money in order to attract it. Have financial security in your life by using manifestation to make it happen. Using the Law of Attraction isn’t that hard, and you can get the financial security that you need.

Positive Affirmations

Do you want to attract money in your life? The easiest way to do this is to meditate and to use positive affirmations. There are no special tools that you need to manifest things in your life. You can raise your vibrations by being positive and this can help you to manifest.

Positive affirmations are ways that you talk to yourself, and you show love and respect. You are aware of what you want, and you keep your emotions and your life in line.

Here are some ways that positive affirmations can help:

  • Wake up and say, “I am going to reach my goals today.”
  • When buying something, hold the product that you bought and say, “I worked hard and spent my money on things I needed.”
  • If you spend too much, don’t be upset with yourself. Allow it to be a lesson and to help you to grow and learn.


Meditating is one of the biggest ways that you can manifest things to your life. There are different kinds of meditation that you can use and there is no wrong way. Think of things that you want in your life and think of how you would spend your days.

Visualize things that you want and need and keep it positive. Don’t pay attention to the thoughts that come in that are negative and replace them with successful thinking. As you move forward, work hard, and let opportunities come to you.

Using Crystals

You can use crystals while you meditate to manifest money to your life easier. There are many crystals that people know will help them to manifest things and help you to attract money into your life. Here are some of the most abundant stones:

  • Fool’s Gold (Pyrite).
  • Citrine.
  • Green Jade.
  • Tiger’s Eye.
  • Malachite.

When you know the best stones to help you attract money in your life then you can use them for your benefit. Keep these stones close to you when you want to attract money to your life.

You can use these stones any way that you want to, some wear them as jewelry and some will keep them in their purse or their desks. Some will even sleep with them under their pillow.


You can use I-Ching coins to help you to get on the right path. Let these coins help you with your financial attraction. Use them to attract money to your life and let the I-Ching coins and the Law of Attraction guide you to success.

I-Ching and Feng Shui

I-Ching can be used with Feng Shui to get what you need. This bring abundance and prosperity to your life. You can use 3, 6 or 9 coins together and tie them with a red string. Here are the places to put these coins after you get them together:

  • In your purse.
  • In your wallet.
  • In your files in the file cabinet.
  • With investment records.
  • On your door.
  • Close to your office.
  • By the computer.


Once you understand the different ways that you can make money in your life, use them all together. Bring in your life different rituals that can help you to use the Law of Attraction to bring money and prosperity in your life.


  1. The concept of using the Law of Attraction certainly has its appeal, especially when it comes to enhancing one’s mindset and energy levels. However, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced perspective and complement these practices with tangible actions towards financial goals.

  2. This article encapsulates the very essence of manifesting prosperity through the Law of Attraction. The elucidation on positive affirmations and meditation is both enlightening and practical. Utilizing crystals and I-Ching coins further enriches the tapestry of attracting financial security. A holistic and sophisticated guide indeed!

  3. Positive affirmations and meditations are indeed beneficial for mental health and well-being, but their efficacy in directly attracting wealth through the Law of Attraction remains a topic of debate. It’s important to combine these practices with practical steps for financial management.

  4. Integrating rituals and the Law of Attraction into daily life could potentially serve as a motivating force, encouraging a proactive attitude towards financial success. However, relying solely on these methods without actionable financial planning may not yield the desired results.

  5. While the Law of Attraction emphasizes a positive mindset and visualization, which are undoubtedly beneficial, it’s important not to overlook the necessity of practical financial literacy and disciplined saving habits.

    • Absolutely. A balanced approach that includes both positive thinking and practical financial management is likely to be the most effective.

    • I agree. Combining the Law of Attraction with practical financial advice can provide a more holistic approach to achieving financial goals.

  6. The use of crystals and I-Ching coins adds an interesting metaphysical dimension to the pursuit of financial security. While these practices can enhance mindfulness and positivity, they should be used in conjunction with sound financial strategies and planning.

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