Pros and Cons of Working from Home

Pros and Cons of Working From Home

No matter what job you have or where your workspace is, you’ll always have some complaints about it. It’s not all perfection. Long hours, the struggles and annoyance of commuting, doing work that isn’t fulfilling, boring co-workers who try your patience, and horrible management practices are just some of the complaints that people lament about their workplaces.

But much to the delight of workers everywhere, many companies are starting to accommodate their workers and provide telecommuting positions. This means that they can work from home and avoid the hassles of the office environment.

Because of this, many people are seeking work-from-home positions, thinking that it will be an easier job. The problem is that just because the job can be done from home doesn’t mean that it’s an easy job, and, just like any job, any work-from-home job has its drawbacks, too. So, before you take a work-from-home job, here are some of the pros and cons about working from home that you should consider.

  • Pro: Being able to better balance your work and home lives

Most people would prefer to live in a world where they didn’t have to work at all. However, this is sheer fantasy for most of us, as work is necessary. Balancing your working and non-working life is easier to do when you work from home.

It takes diligence and practice, however. When you’ve got fewer people to report to, you can give yourself a break when you need to and manage your workload so that you aren’t over-worked. You’ll need to make your work environment productive and inviting so that you aren’t tempted to take too many breaks and are still able to get your work done.

  • Con: Distractions are rampant

There is something to be said for having a boss around. Without your boss breathing over your shoulder and keeping you on track, it’s easy to find yourself becoming distracted from your work, or just not even working at all.

It’s not usually a big deal to turn on your tv so that you have some background noise while you’re working, but if you get sucked into the show and stop working, you’ll get behind, which is never good. You have to learn to keep on task, which requires strict rules, excellent time management and lots of boundaries. Not everyone is up to it.

  • Pro: Savings

You can actually save money working from home. It may not seem like you’re spending money to make money when you work at an office, but you are. You spend money on gas to commute there, money on lunch, money on fundraisers, cards for co-workers, and for your work clothes.

The great thing is that when you are working from home, you don’t have to spend any of that money. You can even get money back during tax season because some of the things you do end up buying can be counted as business expenses.

  • Con: Loneliness

When you work from home, you really have to be comfortable with your own company because that’s all you’ve got. Even if your co-workers were annoying, you at least had someone to talk to at work.

Working from home leaves the only person to talk to as yourself, or maybe your pet. Loneliness is a very real problem for those who work from home, and it’s one that’s not easily solved. So, if you’re a social person, you may need to consider this aspect carefully.

  • Pro: Freedom

Because you don’t have to commute to work, your schedule and routine don’t have to be as strict. You don’t have to make it to work on time. Lots of work-from-home jobs offer flexible schedules so that you can work when it’s convenient to you. This means that you have more time in the morning to do things you want.

You could work out, watch a couple of episodes of your favorite show, go for a walk, enjoy a lengthy breakfast that isn’t hurried because you’re rushing to work, play video games for an hour, or whatever else you want to do. You can also take some extra time for your lunch break, which is a good idea just to keep your spirits high and keep you from becoming distracted or frustrated with the job.

Go ahead, call a friend up and go to lunch with them since you have the freedom and flexibility to do so.

  • Con: No one to compete with

One of the benefits of working in a group setting is the fact that you can compete with them. Knowing how well you are doing can make you feel better about your job, or prompt you to improve the quality of your work.

When you work from home, you have no one to compete with or to learn from. There are also fewer incentives, as well. Since you aren’t working on site, you’re not going to win a prize for doing a better job than your co-workers. This type of appreciation can be sorely missed when you’re working by yourself.

Before you take the plunge and decide to work from home, make sure it’s the right decision for you. It isn’t for everyone, and it would be a bad career move to quit your job to work from home, only to discover that you couldn’t handle it. Always consider the benefits and drawbacks carefully before making the decision.


  1. I found the discussion about the balance between work and personal life particularly insightful. Indeed, having fewer distractions can be a boon or a bane, depending on one’s self-discipline.

  2. This article offers a balanced perspective on the pros and cons of working from home. It’s refreshing to see both sides of the argument presented thoughtfully. However, I’d like more insight into how different personality types might cope with these changes.

  3. The article brings up some valid points regarding the pros and cons of working from home. It’s crucial for individuals to weigh these factors before making such a significant career change.

  4. The flexibility mentioned in the article is very appealing. However, the lack of competition and direct feedback from colleagues might be a disadvantage for those who thrive on external validation and collaboration.

    • That’s a fair point. Some people might struggle without the structure and feedback loop that an office environment provides. Self-motivation and discipline become key factors in such settings.

  5. Oh, the irony. People wanted to escape their co-workers, and now they’re complaining about loneliness! Sometimes you can’t win.

  6. The notion of loneliness is an important consideration that many people might not think about initially. Social interaction is a vital component of mental well-being, and its absence could have serious implications.

  7. A profoundly comprehensive article! The economic advantages of telecommuting, like saving on commuting and office attire, are often overlooked. This is a game-changer for those with tight budgets.

  8. The piece seems to underestimate the complexity of remote work. Not everyone can handle the isolation, and some jobs simply aren’t suited for it. The devil is in the details!

    • While true, it’s worth noting that many companies are investing in technology to mitigate these issues, like VR meetings and collaborative software.

    • Absolutely, Captain Crunch. Remote work is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some responsibilities require physical presence to be effective.

  9. Loneliness and lack of competition are genuinely concerning issues for extroverts. This article articulates those drawbacks well, but I’d add that remote jobs can offer virtual team-building activities that help mitigate these problems.

  10. The financial aspect of working from home is often overlooked. The potential savings on commuting and work-related expenses is a significant advantage that this article rightly highlights.

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