Understanding the Meaning Behind the Moon

moon cycles

Moon phases can tell a lot about your life and the moon is full of interesting things such as death, reincarnation, spiritual steps and more. The moon cycles are there to help plant seeds. As seeds are planted, they then grow and then they help to connect with intentions that can make you get what you need.

Once you understand the moon cycles, you can use your own internal power with the power of the moon, and you can practice using the unique energy of the moon. The world is made up of yin and yang energy and this is light and dark energy. The moon is a feminine energy, and it uses the sun which is a masculine energy, and they work together perfectly.

The moon is full of intuition and is a passive creation where the sun is full of passion and is hot and fiery. When you look at the cycles of the moon, each one has its own energy that is different than the other.

Each of the cycles are unique and have their own spiritual meaning that affect your inner and outer life.

Here are the phases of the moon and how they can affect your life:

  • New Moon

The new moon is one that is between the earth and the sun at this time, and it is a moon that means having something new or new beginnings. This is the best time that you can set intentions and see them come to fruition.

What kind of intention do you want to set on this time? Make sure that you are being clear in what you want and that you are achieving your purpose. Always be realistic though and don’t set goals that are out of reach.

  • Waxing Crescent Moon

This is the crescent shape and the waxing means that it is getting brighter. This is less than a half-moon. This is a time where you need to set intentions that are visual and watch them grow.

  • First Quarter Moon

The moon during this time is part bright and part shadow. This moon means making decisions. You can look at your life but be honest during this time. Manifest things that you want and let your thoughts align with what you want to do in your future.

  • Waxing Gibbous Moon

Waxing means that the illumination of the moon is getting bigger and gibbous means that more than half of the moon is bright now. This phase is one that you need to be mindful of and you need to set your intentions in line.

  • Full Moon

When the moon is full, the sun lights up the whole sky. This is a time to seal the intentions that you have set during the other moon cycles. This can take up to 6 to 12 months to complete so be patient.

  • Waning Gibbous

Waning means that the moon’s brightness is getting less. Gibbous means that more than half of the moon is bright. This phase of the moon is a time to be thankful for what you have. As you think about the things that you have in your life, focus on the good and be thankful. If you want to, now is a great time to have a gratitude journal.

  • Third Quarter Moon

When the moon is third quarter means that exactly half of the moon is seen, and the other half is shadowed. This is a time of forgiveness and a time to put others first. This is a great time to reflect on your intentions and your actions and see if they align with what you want.

There is no judgement on working on yourself and being aware of who you are.

  • Waning Crescent

Waning means that the moon is getting smaller and crescent means that less than half of the moon is illuminated. This moon is a time to surrender, and it is a feminine quality. It is time to let go of any intentions that you have that are poor and get rid of stress and worry.

  • New Moon

The New moon is one that is not able to be seen from the earth and this is a new beginning moon.

Final Thoughts

Notice and pay attention to the different phases of the moon and let it influence you in your mind, body, and spirit. Let the energy of the moon be powerful to you and as the energy clears out, notice any negativity leaving.

The moon phases show you how the moon affects your existence, and you can activate powers inside of you and be stronger. The moon cycle is 29.5 days long and this represents a life cycle. Tap into the power of the moon and see how it affects you in a good way.